Originally Posted by pflatlyne
I definatly get rev a speeds. I get about 1100 down and over 300 up. That 1600down and 700 up really looks nice. Wish I could get that. =) In any event,all the problems I had before due to the limited upload bandwidth are gone. Rev A rocks.
The first thing I tried last night was making a call while in a data session,but it did not work. Contrary to what people are saying,EVDO Rev A CAN support voice during a data session,BUT it seems sprint has either chosen not to impliment it or does not yet have it working.
I only got the 1600/700 once. After that it was mostly in the 1100/400 range.
Still not bad considering it beats most cheap DSL connections (768/12

and even comes close to 3/768 DSL connections, with latency that's not a WHOLE lot slower than a DSL connection.