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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2008, 08:42 PM
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What the hell is a "sero" plan?

Is it the same thing as unlimited data?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2008, 08:47 PM
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I hardly ever complain (ive had sprint for 5 years) and ever since I added a line 3 months ago it's been NOTHING but a headache! The first incident is they didnt have mobile to mobile on my account so I "went over" like 400mins!! I take responibility for my actions IF it was my fault. All of the complaints I have toward sprint, sprint has caused. I have rarey had to deal wth sprint care until 3 months ago now I know what everyone was talking about. The Customer Service IS crap. I guess since my previous job was anal about customer service my standards are high when it coms to pleasing the customer. Sprint on the other hand doesn't care and just wants th money. I wonder what will happen if Sprint is ever bought out? I see that happening in the future with the way things are going....
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2008, 08:48 PM
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Originally Posted by ImBatman View Post
Is it the same thing as unlimited data?
No S.E.R.O = Sprint Employee Referal Offer

Only a "sprint employee" can refer you to the program. Cheapest plan is $30 for 450 mins w/ unlimited data/text.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2008, 09:32 PM
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Originally Posted by AnthroMatt View Post
Aren't you required to keep the same ESN on a SERO plan for the first 6 months or you risk being charged back for any rebates?
don't think it is 6 mos..think it is only for the first 30 days. but i could be wrong
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2008, 11:20 PM
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Originally Posted by jloden78 View Post
don't think it is 6 mos..think it is only for the first 30 days. but i could be wrong
That is true for regular plans, but SERO is different (or at least it used to be), primarily because SERO sales on the internet are sold through a 3rd party which loses their kickbacks from Sprint if the ESN is changed.

I say this with a disclaimer though, as the policy may have changed.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2008, 12:27 PM
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It's only 30 days....and I don't think it's 3rd party sold. I got my SERO plan by going into my local store. At first the rep said they couldn't do SERO hookups in-store. But after a few minutes of digging around in his "system" he figured it out.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2008, 12:55 PM
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Originally Posted by steps View Post
heres my story:

I added a line to my account with the sprint SERO plan. I had my titan under my old plan but then swapped fones and put the titan under the sero plan and put the new fone under the old plan I had. I told tem to take off the data and text from the old plan cuz it wasn't gonna be used. So what they did is charge me $75 for "causul data usage" under the old number since they prorated me $13 for the data usage...WTF!!??? They told me the data/text wouldn't be taken of till the next billing cycle (my sprnt was showing data and text a UNLIMITED the whole month when I took it off). So I spoke to a supevisor who was a real asshole and very unhelpul so I clicked on him and called back and spoke wit someone else. She took the $75 off my account but this is ridiculous!!??? his is the 3rd month in a ROW I have add to call them becuz of their mistakes!!!! I don't know why sprint customer care is so incompitent when it comes to billing. I am really looking to switch carriers now. I dont want to have to call and deal with some issue every month. I know why sprint is dropping customers cuz the ones who are smart enough to catch their overcharging they dont want. They want morons who don't look at their bill and pay whatever the charges are.

They have bad phone support nd even worse support via the sprint stores. I hope one day sprint messes with the wrong customer and thy get a class action filed againist them. If anyon does it LET ME KNOW...They aren't giving me my deposit either...ASSHOLES!!!
you're complaining when you have a SERO plan? good luck finding a better deal elsewhere, my $50/mo SERO plan would cost a MINIMUM of $140/mo with at&t and similarly elsewhere and they don't even offer phone insurance for PDAs!

what's worse - paying almost triple or having to sort out a few billing issues when you change plans? FYI change from SERO with the same features and you'd certainly be paying more than that extra $75 every single month...
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2008, 01:03 PM
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Originally Posted by holo View Post
you're complaining when you have a SERO plan? good luck finding a better deal elsewhere, my $50/mo SERO plan would cost a MINIMUM of $140/mo with at&t and similarly elsewhere and they don't even offer phone insurance for PDAs!

what's worse - paying almost triple or having to sort out a few billing issues when you change plans? FYI change from SERO with the same features and you'd certainly be paying more than that extra $75 every single month...
Bingo. Couldn't have said it better.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2008, 02:56 PM
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Sprint gives me free phones and lots and lots of free credit adjustments on my bill. Its a hastle to deal with them but when dealt with the right person, you will be rewarded.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2008, 04:11 PM
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Hey, at least you don't get a rep raise her voice on you. When I was with Verzion Wireless. I called and she raised her voice on me. She basically tell me to fvck off and if I cancel it, there is a $175 ETF. I did asked for her supervisor and manager, and of course she tried to transfer me. Then clicked, the conversation was disconnected.
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