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Old 01-24-2008, 08:47 PM
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I hardly ever complain (ive had sprint for 5 years) and ever since I added a line 3 months ago it's been NOTHING but a headache! The first incident is they didnt have mobile to mobile on my account so I "went over" like 400mins!! I take responibility for my actions IF it was my fault. All of the complaints I have toward sprint, sprint has caused. I have rarey had to deal wth sprint care until 3 months ago now I know what everyone was talking about. The Customer Service IS crap. I guess since my previous job was anal about customer service my standards are high when it coms to pleasing the customer. Sprint on the other hand doesn't care and just wants th money. I wonder what will happen if Sprint is ever bought out? I see that happening in the future with the way things are going....
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