monocube safe mode hard resetting?
My phone is constantly freezing on start up (doesn't get past the green screen). Pretty sure it's due to HTC Home pluggin, but I've lived with that bug for about 4 months now...
Real problem is that when I try to start the phone in safe mode, it will either 1) load normally and then when I soft reset it forces a hard reset, or 2) just not load up at all, forcing me to soft reset which forces a hard reset. In either case I do not run through the normal procedure to do a hard reset, it just does it on its own.
The only thing I have recently changed is 1) if registered monocude and 2) am traveling so I had to change the roaming setting from Sprint only to Automatic... Nothing else has changed.
Anyone have any thoughts or experiencing this as well?
I'm uninstalling monocube safe mode and will reinstall to see if that fixes the problem... Will update.
Last edited by mcmichak; 01-21-2008 at 10:27 PM.