Bluetooth sound quality rant....
Maybe I haven't noticed before because my other handsets have had crappy sound quality, but the BT call quality is really crappy. I've used the following headsets: HS820, HS700, Blueant Z9 3.3, Bluespoon AX2, and my car's BT.
Sure they sound ok, but if you compare them to the handset, it is total crap. I can deal with it for short calls, but it really starts to get annoying on longer calls. I just got a wired headset, a $3 Jabra BT250, and it sounds even better than the handset. In fact it sounds better than most land lines. I'm not even that picky about sound quality, I'm one of those losers that is ok with 128k encoded mp3's, I have crappy speakers, headphones, etc. I'm not that picky, but its just bad. And I don't think its all the phone's fault, the same headsets sound a bit muffled connected to my laptop and skype versus a wired headset.
Thanks for hearing me vent, I just think we've taken a big step back with another leap in technology.