01-03-2008, 10:28 PM
Pocket PC: Evo Carrier: Sprint
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Saying adios to the Mogul...
First and foremost, let me say thank you to everyone and anyone who has attempted to help me on this forum. There are several reasons I have now decided to put my mogul on Ebay this weekend.
- Bluetooth - When I am using the bluetooth headset and talking to someone, and it all of a sudden switches back to the phone and the bluetooth connection gets lost, I can't tell you how aggravating it is. As if that wasn't enough, when I used my Holux M1200 GPS receiver (bought new and works fine with my dad's Treo 700W and with my PPC-6700 in the past,) and TOMTOM software on my Mogul and depended on that to get me to a job interview, it turned out to be a complete disaster. The bluetooth kept going out and needless to say I was late to the interview. Yes I should've checked mapquest or something but as I said, I've never had a problem with it in the past with the other two phones.
- WMP - 70% of any MP3's I transfer to my phone, windows media player deems it "not compatible" with no explanation given as to why.
- MMS - This was the final draw. This was the situation that made my poke myself in the eye with the stylus. I have two 6800's at home. One is my wife's, one is mine. Initially I had the following softwares installed on both phones: SPB pocket Plus, SPB pocket traveler, SPB weather, SBP insight, Resco Radio, Resco explorer, SPB registry, Conversions in hand, Handmark Tetris, Handmark Trivial pursuit, and Lexigoo dictionary. Then I did a web search for the MMS cab and found PPCGeeks.com. I installed the MMS cab on both phones and it didn't work. It said "failed to send or receive messages" with a blue envelope in the task bar. I did the registry edit, made sure all the specifications were correct, no luck. Then I did a hard reset and installed everything and the MMS cab included the MMS size limit hack and it kept telling me my sending size limit is 0kb. I figured out for some reason if I don't install the mms size limit hack then I was no longer getting that error, but nevertheless, I couldn't send or receive messages. I assumed the problem is that somewhere in the system files or registry, something is getting edited making the MMS software unuseable. Did hard reset again, installed MMS cab as the first thing, worked fine, then installed my softwares, and then MMS didn't work (same blue envelope.) So by process of elimination and some 15 - 20 hard resets later, MMS finally worked as long as I don't install anything more than the following softwares: SPB pocket plus, Resco Radio, Resco explorer, HTC Touch album, and HTC today Screen plugin (htchome56.cab file found on this forum.) It's been about a week since then and now I'm getting the same blue envelope and same error again. I haven not installed/uninstalled anything, have not made any registry edits, have not synced with PC. literrally haven't done anything other then send/receive calls, texts, and MMS.
Even though the 6700 worked out much better for me, after using the Mogul, I don't want to deal with the bulky size, downgrade to 1MP camera, and deal with the not-so-soft sliding. I don't want to get the touch for obvious reasons (wifi, no keyboard, etc.) So I figured, I'm going to pull out my ancient Sprint Blade (A900) and deal with that until sprint can come out with something better, or maybe one of the other carriers offer something that may be almost as advanced yet not so frustrating.