could just be a signal thing. I think sprint finally made the tower they were building in my area live, as now I get 2-3 bars of EVDO consistently, and 5-6 of 1X, and all my other dumbphone have vastly improved signal (0-2 to now 4-Max) and although I'm not sure they are displaying EVDO or 1X, I haven't missed any calls/texts since. Although it COULD just be that I got a replacement Mogul, so I'm not entirely sure yet. My SCI is still at 1.
no, unfortunately i dont have time during the day to goto a sprint store when it is open. i tried the online replacement, however they were out of inventory, so i emailed ecare, and fortunately they took care of it for me.
goto find a store at sprint.com, search for a sprint repair center (my zip is 20120) and then under the map it should say something like "want to do it from your home or office, click here"
click that, and then you should be good to go, just make sure you read over all the stuff given. |
See now I find that statement really amusing because I keep complaining that the pda phones have the problem of being too phone like. There aren't many pda phones I've seen that can hold a candle to the pocket pc I currently have and it is four years old now. I rarely use my cell phone, but I do need to have it, and I do need to carry one with me most of the time. I just about always carry my pocket pc, and I've wanted to consolidate them for a while, but I hate the fact that I'd have to sacrifice screen size, storage and speed to do so.
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