I Got It Please Delete This Post
I have a qwest 6800 mogul, running dcd's 1.67 rom w/radio 147.01
*the problem: I was watching a mp4 movie (at work) and a friend came up to me and wanted to see if he could play the movie on his LG9800 i believe which also supports a micro sd card/ i powered my phone off by holding down the power button till it asked if i want to shut it off / then i removed my sd card and (4gig) and he proceded to put it into his phone/ He then gave me his (2 gig) sd card to see if it would show up on my phone/ He was not able to view my sd card(i think cause it is in a fat32 format) I put his card in my phone and powered it up;
my phone never booted past the black background "HTC smart mobility" screen.
I have tried the following already with no luck:
a) soft reset
b) pulled battery out
c) hard reset
d) performed these things with my SD card in and out
f) i had ALL my programs on the system memory EXCEPT my games, because in case my memory card should fail i still have functionality of my progs.
g) i came home and went into bootloader mode and loaded DCD's ROM again, everything went perfect, BUT i still didnt get past the same screen.
H) ive performed several of these function more than once, no luck.
By the way the friend of mine said that my phone created some files on his sd card( and i think his card is formated in fat16 format, for what its worth.
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There u have it hopefully ive provided enough info for someone to possibly help, searching the forums for possible answer didnt quite bring up what im expierencing but if someone knows of a post with same info and a resolution im all for u posting it here 4 me.
HELP !!!!!!!! i hate to have to buy another, thank u for ur time
Last edited by bunvilla; 12-28-2007 at 04:58 AM.