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Old 07-21-2011, 10:36 PM
ashamancurtis's Avatar
Pocket PC: Titan 6800 Tink Flash
Carrier: MetroPCS
Join Date: May 2009
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Odd Memory Leak

I have a Titan that I've flashed to Metro. I've manually updated it to WM6.1 using HTC's flash (to get GPS), followed the instructions to get web/mms working, and installed the few apps that I use (MS Reader, CleanRam, WiFiFoFum, Opera and Resco Explorer. Everything worked fine until recently. The phone started working slower and slower and then would simply stop refreshing the page. I had installed a process explorer, and the process that draws the images on the screen (I forget the name) was starting to use huge amounts of memory. So I proceeded to hard-reset the phone and things worked fine for about a month.

Now I'm at the point that I'm uninstalling everything but ARCsoft, MSReader, Opera, WiFiFoFum and CleanRam and the thing is still freezing up. It's fine if I'm just using it as an E-Reader (most of the time), but as soon as I start sending text messages, it starts getting slower and slower and eventually locks up to the point that I have to power cycle (and the confirmation dialog will take up to 5 minutes to appear).

So, does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this memory leak? Could it be physical (as in the memory has gone and crapped itself)? Or could it be the Arcsoft (Specifically, GC VZW Arcsoft MMS Any help would be appreciated.

Last edited by ashamancurtis; 07-21-2011 at 10:41 PM. Reason: Edited to format wall o' text
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Titan

6800, memory leak, titan

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