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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 08:21 PM
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sprint insurance options

i have a mogul, and the other day i fell on it and cracked the screen. i have the $7 insurance thing from sprint, and i was wondering what the best option is?

is it possible that i can say it just broke in my pocket and they will replace it for free?

if not, would i be better off telling them i lost it, so i can keep the battery and make them give me a new one, or is there a higher deductible for losing phones?

also, can i just go to a sprint store to get it replaced, or do i have to call sprint and have them send me one?

thanks in advance,
Ryan Davis
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 08:25 PM
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i have the same question,although i havent broken mine yet.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 08:28 PM
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haha, it's bound to happen eventually, right?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 08:33 PM
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dwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributions
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Originally Posted by ryan00davis View Post
haha, it's bound to happen eventually, right?
haha yup.im just wating for me to get in a bike accident and crush it.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 08:34 PM
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ah yes, mine was the skateboard.... damn cracks in the sidewalk
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 08:35 PM
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dwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsdwizzy130 should be added to the payroll for their contributions
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Originally Posted by ryan00davis View Post
ah yes, mine was the skateboard.... damn cracks in the sidewalk
ha,man that sux.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 08:36 PM
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Originally Posted by ryan00davis View Post
i have a mogul, and the other day i fell on it and cracked the screen. i have the $7 insurance thing from sprint, and i was wondering what the best option is?

is it possible that i can say it just broke in my pocket and they will replace it for free?

if not, would i be better off telling them i lost it, so i can keep the battery and make them give me a new one, or is there a higher deductible for losing phones?

also, can i just go to a sprint store to get it replaced, or do i have to call sprint and have them send me one?

thanks in advance,
Ryan Davis
They may charge you a $50 deductible but they don't need to know why or how it happened
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 08:44 PM
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When i signed up for the insurance I thought it said it covers all accidents. It did say though as noted before, there would be a $50 deductible.

I doubt it would be replaced completely for free, unless it was something on their end and not yours.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 08:53 PM
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I just used the 7 dollar insurance today. I dropped my phone on the ground and the screen cracked to hell. I took it into the retail store and told them, "HI, I dropped my phone and the screen is completely effed." Within 30 mins, they replaced my phone, no charge at all. Also, saying that you lost your phone when in fact you just broke it is insurance fraud and is something you probably dont want to get involved with, even though your chances of getting caught are very slim. Either way, there would be NO REASON to sign up for the 7 dollar insurance plan if it DIDNT cover accidents, as that is the only thing that will really happen to your phone. I researched the hell out of the program, and you can pretty much stab it with a pencil and throw it in the toilet and its covered. I also got the MicroSD card and the battery from the new phone they gave me, just had to ask nicely. Of course, I am a very talkative person who knows how to get what I want by talking to people and making small talk, mostly being humorous, if you are more shy you might want to leave your battery at home with your memory card when you bring it in so that they have to put a new battery in it to test it out, which they will undoubtedly just give you.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2007, 05:23 AM
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The $7 Total Equipment Protection plan covers just about anything you could do to your phone to be honest. You have the first 30 days after buying a phone to add TEP if you chose not to at the time of purchase, after that you are stuck without it.

If you break the phone, or something is wrong with it like the mmic or spewaker going out, just go to a service location and they will have a tech look at the phone and try to fix it if they can. If they cannot fix it then they will either swap it out with a new one at the store, or order a replacement phone to the store and call you back once it is in stock (Assuming no water damage). If you go to an "Advanced Exchange" location instead, there are no techs, but they are authorized to order a replacement as long as there is no water damage (yes they are trained for that at least, its not hard to spot).

If you lose the phone, it is stolen, or there is water damage, then there is a $50 deductible and you have to go through Asurion insurance, you can get the toll-free number from a retail store. After the deductible they will send you out a replacement phone, pre-activated I believe (but I may be wrong). You can only collect an insurance phone 3 times per year however, and the previous ESNs are blacklisted, to prevent fraud.

If you actually break down the price of an insurance phone compared to buying a new phone at retail price, it is something like $134 for TEP including deductible, versus at least $180 for a new cheapest phone in store, so it is well worth it
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