Wifi Connects, but XV6800 won't use it! Help?
I have a VZW XV6800, and when I switch on the wifi switch, I get the wifi indicator in the top, and I check in both WLAN and Wifi settings to make sure it's connected to my home network, but when I open IE and try to browse to a page, it stays at loading for a long time, and then tells me it can not display the page.
I have tried on other networks, with exactly the same problem, even unsecured networks.
My only ideas as to what a potential culprit could be are that I installed an HTC comm manager, which doesn't work properly with the wifi switch (actually, because of a registry edit, it now does,) or the fact that I deleted the VZW connection in my Connections, which shouldn't affect it at all, but perhaps the phone needs to see that connection there but know not to use it? Pretty ridiculous.