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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2007, 02:31 AM
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About to go nuts: No evdo

I've been trying all day to get EVDO working. I ordered sero online, and out of the box the phone was working, but the evdo would not provision - kept saying error 67.

##data# showed username as JOHNATHONlastname@sprintpcs.com and an ip addy. Yet the email I got showed the username as jonathanlastname, which I changed to willpower101. On top of that the billing & payment section of sprints website shows JOHNATHON like below. So does this have anything to do with evdo not working? is there a way to have the website text your configuration or something?

I updated to the latest 2.17 rom because I didn't know what else to do. Now that setting in #data is gone and the ip is blank. Instead of error 67 I now get "provisioning failure" error 1012.

I tried adding a username and password to the sprint pcs connection, the same as my username and password to log in online, but that didn't work either.

Also evdo isn't listed under my plan details.

Any help would be appreciated. I haven't called sprint yet because I'm studying for finals. (kinda wanted dealing with CS to be a LAST resort)

Last edited by willpower101; 12-11-2007 at 02:35 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2007, 02:42 AM
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I have two phones with Sero, and my Mogul I had issues getting it to connect. I had to call customer care and they had to do something to fix. I dont recall what it was, but it would not connect, and I kept getting invalid user names.

It takes time for the site to update your stuff. Be patient.
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