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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2007, 07:35 PM
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xv6800 ROM applications

I'm new to the world of Windows Mobile, the xv6800 is my first WM device (been hanging on to the sinking ship U.S.S PalmOS for a while now...)

I am slowly learning more about WM, and I have a couple questions regarding the applications that are autoloaded from the ROM after a hard reset. Specifically, I'd like to know what each of these do and if I can leave any of them out, installing the others manually after doing a hard reset/soft reset to get a clean load. I'm not to the point of messing with replacing the ROM yet, maybe next week.

here's the contents of the /Extended_ROM/config.txt file.

CAB: \Extended_ROM\RadioRefurbish.sa.CAB
EXEC:\Windows\RadioRefurbish.exe /Refurbish
CAB: \Extended_ROM\MP_CVSDcpl_20070129.cab
CAB: \Extended_ROM\Intellisync_8.0_PPC_Stub_App_VZW.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\DefaultRingtone.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\DefaultRingtone_XBOW.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\HTC_CM_Guardian.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\MP_Titan_VZW_Shortcode_438749.CAB
RST: Reset

I can identify some of these from this and other WM sites, can anyone fill in the blanks for me?

RadioRefurbish.sa.CAB - ???

MP_CVSDcpl_20070129.cab - Voice Commander
- may install ssdaemon.lnk in Startup?

Intellisync_8.0_PPC_Stub_App_VZW.CAB - Verizon util related to wireless sync (???)
- may install poutlook.lnk in Startup?

DefaultRingtone.sa.CAB - ringtones (duh)

DefaultRingtone_XBOW.sa.CAB - more ringtones (more duh)

HTC_CM_Guardian.sa.CAB - nannyware of some sort (???)
- installs HTC_CM_Guardian.lnk in Startup

MP_Titan_VZW_Shortcode_438749.CAB (???)

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2007, 07:40 PM
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CM_Guardian is a Phone Settings protector. It is designed to prevent you from making changes to critical phone settings that would prevent call/data connections from working. Unfortunately, it tends to leak memory like a sieve, so I recommend not using it (your mileage may vary).

I'm not certain, but I would guess that the Shortcode is a set of shortcut dialing codes.

I'm not sure about about the purpose of RadioRefurbish.
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