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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2010, 12:17 AM
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DavidinCT's VZW xv6800 A-GPS guide

Hey all,

As requested, this is my guide on getting a Verizon XV6800's A-GPS working. This is not of my own, this is from other posts around this site and XDA, this is just my method from all this to get it working. Most of the downloads are here and are not all mine. I assume you know your way around flashing and are pretty stong with Windows Mobile.

With this being said, if this guide helps you, please hit help below.

To start, if you have tried to get it working before and just had no luck, or just starting new follow this to start. From how I understand it, if you have a phone that has been updated to MR2, the PRL version will not work with GPS, so you will have issues. I suggest for everyone to do this (as it will fix this issue and solved my issues before)

1. Unlock phone, update radio, and flash custom rom (don't do anything to it, if you have already put on a custom rom, your already here)
2. Backup your data if needed or possable (PIMBackup is my fav for this)
3. After running a Custom rom, Roll back to stock(Older MR version) download everything from here (follow directions from this link)
(this will put the phone back on a old PRL).
4. Re-unlock, Re-update radio and reinstall your custom rom of your choice

Very clear, you MUST flash with a custom rom first, then back to stock, then back to your custom rom. Some people may disagree but, I know for a fact this works.

At this point you should be at a OLDER PRL version (AKA: MR1)

Now the fun part...

You need to follow these directions to setup A-GPS, Most of you who have been looking, has seen this but, I have copied the directions from the post but edited what needs to be relfected for your settings.

I set the settings I changed in BOLD (this will reflect the settings I used for Verizon.

Credit goes to Shadow-tech (for writing below) and Blaine12 (for the server data)

Originally Posted by shadow-tech View Post

We will:
Install a PC software package called QPST that allows us to edit a portion of our phone that contains gpsOne settings.
Install drivers on the PC to allow it to detect our phone running in diagnostic mode.
Put the phone in diagnostic mode, connect it to the computer, run QPST on PC, edit the gpsOne settings on the phone.
Edit the registry, soft reset, and test it out.
1. Windows XP computer. Vista and Windows 7 will work too.
2. USB cable to connect Titan to PC (duh)
3. This Software Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/vqikh1on1gz/QPST 2.7 build 323.zip
4. A PPC Registry Editor: http://www.dotfred.net/TM/TaskMgrv3.1_WM2005.zip (Not needed if you use the cab file at the end of post #2)
5. Your GPS must already be enabled.
-If you run WM 6.0 see this thread to Enable GPS: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=27180&highlight=alltel+gps+easy+w ay
-Or flash a GPS Enabled ROM (most WM 6.1 Roms are GPS enabled)
----------------------CONNECTING OUR PHONE TO QPST---------------------------------
1. Run Wmodemdriverinstaller.exe on your PC (This will install the DIAG driver)
2. Click install drivers, wait, once it says completed just close window
3. Install qpst_2.7 build 323.exe on your PC, next click through it
4. On Phone dial ##3424 , then plug it into USB port, WAIT TILL ALL DEVICES ARE INSTALLED (WAIT A GOOD 60 SECONDS)
5. Open Windows Device manager (right click on My Computer, click 'Properties', Click 'Hardware' Tab, 'Device manager' Button) on PC
6. Expand the item called 'Ports (COM & LPT)' on PC
7. Look for an item called 'HTC Diagnostic Interface' record what COM PORT it is. See PIC http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=13535&d=1220413812 Your COMM Port may not be the same.
8. On PC click start\All Programs\QPST\QPST Configuration. Click 'Ports' Tab. Click 'Add New Port' Button in lower right.
9. Click on the Device with the same COM port from as the 'HTC Diagnostic Interface' then click OK. (You may need to manually enter it. use COMX, i.e. COM6. description is COMX, i.e. COM6) see pic http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24448&d=1235366951
10. Click 'Active Phones' tab. click 'Start Clients' drop down, then click 'SERVICE PROGRAMMING'
11. Click 'OK' in 'Phone Selection' window (code is 000000) see troubleshooting if it fails
-------------------------APPLY THE FIX-------------------------------------------------
1. Click 'Read from Phone' button in bottom left corner
2. Click 'Save to File...' button don't change name and save to your desktop. (just to have a backup)
3. Scroll over to 'gpsOne' tab (upper right corner)
4. Click all the check boxes on the left hand side so they are all blank. (all 9, See pic http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=13697&d=1220844244)
5. THEN Click all the boxes so they are checked. (all 9) (yes it's strange)
6. At 'PDE IP Address' enter:
7. At 'PDE Port Number' enter: 8888
8. At 'PDE Transport' select: IP
9. At 'Position Calculation' select: mobile
10. Click 'Write to Phone' (lower left corner)
11. Once completed, enter ##3424 on the phone again
12. Tap exit, then 'Yes' button on the phone
13. Unplug phone and soft rest
-------------------------EDIT THE REGISTRY--------------------------------------------
1. Open a PPC Registry Editor
3. Set these values:
---------- GPSMode = 2 (Value is 4 if your position calculation method is PDE)
---------- ServerIP =
---------- ServerPort = 8888
4. Exit, Save
5. Soft Reset

no warranty included. this is for educational purposes only.
This is the orginal thread for above.


After you do a soft reset, you should be good to go, it's a little slow on the first lock (make sure your outside too).

This is the method I have used on 9 Replacement refub'd phones from VZW, and it has worked for me every time. The server settings are working as of 8/25/2010.
My Windows Media Center HTPC blog and site.

If I helped in anyway, please hit thanks !

Last edited by DavidinCT; 08-27-2010 at 01:58 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2010, 11:18 AM
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Re: Anyone need a VZW xv6800 A-GPS guide ?

Definitely interested!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2010, 08:54 PM
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Re: Anyone need a VZW xv6800 A-GPS guide ?

Also interested. Never got my gps to work on my titan with verizon
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Old 08-23-2010, 09:55 PM
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Re: Anyone need a VZW xv6800 A-GPS guide ?

yes im interested too
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2010, 12:46 PM
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Re: Anyone need a VZW xv6800 A-GPS guide ?

Ok, more interest than just one. I will try to put it together in the next day or so
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-25-2010, 12:58 PM
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Re: Anyone need a VZW xv6800 A-GPS guide ?

I am still interested ... but since found this post:

(I haven't tried it yet)

Last edited by SoundDad; 08-25-2010 at 12:58 PM. Reason: Afterthought
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-25-2010, 05:18 PM
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Re: DavidinCT's VZW xv6800 A-GPS guide

I edited the first post, This should answer most questions and get you up and running. Please hit thanks if it helps !
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 05:41 AM
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Re: DavidinCT's VZW xv6800 A-GPS guide

Does this work with MR2 as the secondary ROM?

Meaning, can I flash back to MR1, perform the changes, and then flash back to MR2?

I prefer stock ROMs, but will go the custom route if it lets me use GPS on the Titan. I still have one on Verizon because it's the most powerful phone you can use with the data block (yes, to this day).
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Old 09-03-2010, 02:58 PM
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Re: DavidinCT's VZW xv6800 A-GPS guide

Originally Posted by Christopher Price View Post
Does this work with MR2 as the secondary ROM?

Meaning, can I flash back to MR1, perform the changes, and then flash back to MR2?

I prefer stock ROMs, but will go the custom route if it lets me use GPS on the Titan. I still have one on Verizon because it's the most powerful phone you can use with the data block (yes, to this day).
As I understand it, as after I tried 6.5, I could never go back to 6.1... Even tried it for a day when I got replacement devices and I lasted a few hours before I flashed it. With this being said, I don't think you can run a OEM rom with these changes or a unlocked phone.

You would not be able to run MR2 with the GPS settings, MR2 does a PRL change on it, when it goes on, it breaks the GPS (the reason in the first step to flash rom then roll back to MR1). If you have MR2 installed and tried to get GPS working, you'll see why and you will have to install from the start of my guide.

My suggestion, find a small custom rom that someone made that will fit your needs (even if it's 6.1 there are some still out there that are very close to stock/MR2), then use this method to get your GPS working.

GPS + VZW MR2=bad
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2010, 01:16 AM
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Re: DavidinCT's VZW xv6800 A-GPS guide

Just got it working. I did the *228 while on the stock ROM, then performed the upgrades and tweaks.

This continues to highlight how much of an opportunity Microsoft missed (in marketing, controlling carrier evilness, and last-mile issues like Marketplace). This was in the can before an original iPhone, and does more than an iPhone 3G.

Thanks for the compiled guide.

Last edited by Christopher Price; 09-06-2010 at 01:21 AM.
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a-gps, gps, xv6800

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