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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2007, 10:12 AM
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Verizon 2000 TXT - Free

Ok, i found this information a while back on another forum. You can get 2000 TXT messages from verizon for free, any network. I don't do much texting, but sometimes it can get up there, so i had the unlimited in network, 1500 other network text message plan for $15 a month.

I don't do pix msg or anything fancy like that, just email and the occasional text. Naturally, i didn't want to pay for a service that most of the time i won't use.

Keep in mind, this is a legacy promotion from years back when verizon phones had to recieve a text message to tell them to sync with the server to pull down email. For that reason, 2000 free text messages were given to verizon data customers that wanted to receive email. They won't want to give it to you, most likely, and i doubt the rep will even know what it is.

You must have the $49.99 Unlimited Data Plan to get this service.

So what you do is call verizon, say you want to make changes to the services on your account, and you want to add Feature Code ID 70246 to your service. The first 3 reps i talked to didn't know how to look up by feature code, so you may have to call back a couple times.

My conversation once it was successful:
>>I would like to add and remove a feature from my phone.
<<What feature would you like to add?
>>Feature code id 70246 PDA SMS Allowance 2000 txt msges.
<<One moment please... Um... Where did you hear about that?
>>Oh some folks at work told me about it.
<<Hmm. Well ok. I've added the feature at cost $0.00. I assume you'd like to remove the $15/Unlimited IN text 1500 other carrier text then?
>>Yes please.
This is 2000 any network text messages for free. Most of the time, i may use 10 a month, but during special events for work where we're scrambling and on the road a lot, it can get up to 700-800, so this was perfect for me.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2007, 11:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Jay6700 View Post
Ok, i found this information a while back on another forum. You can get 2000 TXT messages from verizon for free, any network. I don't do much texting, but sometimes it can get up there, so i had the unlimited in network, 1500 other network text message plan for $15 a month.

I don't do pix msg or anything fancy like that, just email and the occasional text. Naturally, i didn't want to pay for a service that most of the time i won't use.

Keep in mind, this is a legacy promotion from years back when verizon phones had to recieve a text message to tell them to sync with the server to pull down email. For that reason, 2000 free text messages were given to verizon data customers that wanted to receive email. They won't want to give it to you, most likely, and i doubt the rep will even know what it is.

You must have the $49.99 Unlimited Data Plan to get this service.

So what you do is call verizon, say you want to make changes to the services on your account, and you want to add Feature Code ID 70246 to your service. The first 3 reps i talked to didn't know how to look up by feature code, so you may have to call back a couple times.

My conversation once it was successful:

This is 2000 any network text messages for free. Most of the time, i may use 10 a month, but during special events for work where we're scrambling and on the road a lot, it can get up to 700-800, so this was perfect for me.

Ummm... that's great but you're posting in the wrong forum.
1) This is a Pocket PC forum, not carrier forum.
2) This is the Titan section of the PPC forum. The Titan hasn't been released on Verizon yet, so chances are that people reading this thread don't have VZ.

Sure, sometimes someone will mention something carrier-related, but its usually something that has to do with the PPC device (quick, free data on your ppc with sero plans, sign up!).

Imagine if everyone in the Titan forum here decided its the place to start ranting about their Sprint experience... the whole forum would be flooded!

Please be more careful where you post next time...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2007, 04:00 AM
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Sero = the best
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2007, 04:02 AM
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wow verizon is a ripoff. sprint unlimited text and data plan is $20 and i can text any network lol
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2007, 04:24 AM
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Smile too expensive

i got hooked up with unlimited internet and unlimited txt for 7.5 all together and i also get a 15% discount on top of that. lol
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2007, 05:18 AM
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It depends on when your plan is from for Sprint. The old plans, as in five to six years ago, used to be extremely cheap when Vision first came out. I remember the old Samsung N400 I had. It was so hot back then. I don't know what happened but Sprint in the last year or two jumped up in prices for text messaging 15 unlimited now.

The only reason I pay anything near the full price now is because I've added lines to my plan and switched to family. I used to pay 40$ a month for 600 Minutes, M2M, Unilimited Vision, Unlimited Text, Unlimited PTT, Insurance, and the 10$ a month rebate for Sprint Store. Now I pay 118 for 800 Anytime FAF Shared Line, Unlimited Vision/Text on both, Insurance. Not too bad but that also includes my discount for working for Toys R Us. I've come to find being a no-limit account though does have its perks. The account limit, nothing, plus my monthly bill tends to get me really good customer service whereas when I paid them much less it wasn't so good.

The first plan I forgot to mention was a retention plan.
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