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  #371 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2007, 04:12 PM
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Originally Posted by ebmorgan View Post
Actually, you're wrong. When a product is advertised with specific features, then it must provide the features upon sale unless otherwise stated. This is the basic fundemantals of the Consumer Protection Act.

If you buy a new car, wouldn't you expect it to drive? Have windsheild wipers that work? No exhaust leaks? Of course. And if any of those things are happening then they are fixed IMMEDIATELY.

If you buy a an HDTV with a card reader in it, wouldn't you expect the card reader to work?

Sprint has a documented and self-admittedly BROKEN device with many issues. Even the Washington State Attorney Generals Office thinks there is merit to the claim. My filed claim to the WA-AGO started an investigation. The AGO has dispatched an inquiry to Sprint in VA requesting full disclosure of the situation. Unfortuately, Sprint can refuse. They are only required to divulge the info if subpoenaed by a court. But if they offer resistence, I imaging that would only singnify to the AGO that something IS going on, and then they may take it further.
I believe that someone has already responded to one of your previous posts and informed you that the fact that the AGO starts an investigation and sends an initial letter does NOT in any way imply that they believe that your claim has merit. It only means that, since you apparently did not blame your Mogul's problems on the equipment autopsy performed during your most recent alien abduction, you have passed the initial crackpot test, and the AGO's office is seeking additional information in order to determine if, in their opinion, your claim has merit.

The items you list in your car analogy are items that are both safety related and necessary for the car to perform its basic function of transportation. The Mogul performs its basic functions. It would be a better analogy if you considered a car whose FM radio did not pick up any but the most powerful stations; or the car was advertised to go 95 MPH and the best most people can get out of it is 82 MPH; or the heated seats did not get warm enough for your taste.

As to the "room for interpretation"; for example, "GPS capable" can mean many things. It does not necessarily mean full, standalone GPS that is usable with any location mapping software. There have been enough threads debating the meaning of this term to make it very clear that it is open to interpretation, and might be construed to mean no more than that the phone complies with e911 requirements.

Sprint has been honest enough recently to admit that there are issues with the Mogul that are being addressed. They did not admit that it is BROKEN, as you put it, since that implies that it is completely unusable; but at least they admitted that there are issues. That is much more than Sprint or most other carriers have done in the past. If you use that honesty against them, you are only giving them and the other carriers reason to continue to hide the ball about phone issues.
  #372 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2007, 03:11 AM
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Originally Posted by canospinach View Post
So what exactly was advertised as functioning which is not as is different from any other handset out there?
Show me exactly, try not to quote comparables which dont compare.

You want to attack Sprint, but this is an HTC device.
Ive got one for you. The device overheats when you run the wifi with heavy traffic. All of the phones do it,but many people dont notice becuase they dont run the wifi with alot of trafic. Dont even try to tell me I shouldnt be running alot of trafic over wifi.
  #373 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2007, 03:48 AM
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Originally Posted by pflatlyne View Post
Ive got one for you. The device overheats when you run the wifi with heavy traffic. All of the phones do it,but many people dont notice becuase they dont run the wifi with alot of trafic. Dont even try to tell me I shouldnt be running alot of trafic over wifi.
Ok, you have to realize what your pointing out is normal device operation. Not to mention how is that an advertised feature or spec which didnt materialize at deployment?

Take a look at any radio device and you will see physical heat buildup.

the device will have heat buildup just from the CDMA radio which is only .6 watts. The WiFi uses significantly more power and therefor is subject to higher heat dissipation.

Go touch your WiFi router and you will see it is warm/hot as well.

I feel like Mythbusters, sorry myth busted.

BTW, why would i " Dont even try to tell me I shouldnt be running alot of trafic over wifi" ? what you do with your phone is clearly your business.
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Last edited by canospinach; 12-20-2007 at 03:58 AM.
  #374 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2007, 12:34 PM
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Originally Posted by willysp View Post
What make you think that? Sources? I'm honestly interested because everything I've seen recently (e.g. link below) indicates 6.1 will be released to the carriers in Q1 - and who knows how long it will take Sprint to get it into phones.


MS probably will show it at CES, but that doesn't mean the ROM will be out shortly afterwards.
I work very closely with some people who are upper management at SPCS, not to mention several of them and i go back almost 15 years in the wireless industry.

The information was communicated to me directly by SPCS to expect the ROM update shortly after CES as the new devices/services are priority until then. Of course that could easily manifest into February. As you know since Q1 ends March 31st i think we are all really on the same timetable

As for real WM6, like you i am theorizing part of the delay may be the new OS, honestly this has not been part of our conversation though so i can neither confirm nor deny.

Last edited by canospinach; 12-20-2007 at 12:36 PM.
  #375 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2007, 01:33 PM
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pardon my ignorance, but what is CES?
  #376 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2007, 01:36 PM
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If Popeye (Canospinach) says it then i'm not afraid to co-sign, he's connected like the dots!
  #377 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2007, 01:54 PM
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Originally Posted by timothydonohue View Post
pardon my ignorance, but what is CES?
Consumer Electronics Show

We really have 2 worldwide, there is a big Tiawan show and then CES Vegas. There are several other smaller shows as well.

Originally Posted by nautica2450 View Post
If Popeye (Canospinach) says it then i'm not afraid to co-sign, he's connected like the dots!
Gosh, thank you. To be entirely frank i have been in wireless at the management/carrier level for almost 20 years. At one point I was one of SPCS and TMOBILEs biggest agents as well as i have worked for several of the carriers in both the network and direct/indirect channels. These days we have our own technology projects and i am a consultant with several of the carriers.

I will be the first to say if what i am being told is speculation, and we all know until its formal public knowledge anything can happen. My connections are market managers and regional directors, people who i have worked with for years and tend to have the straight scoop. but hey, we all make mistakes....

dude those dots....that was chicken pox!

Last edited by canospinach; 12-20-2007 at 02:05 PM. Reason: my thoughts today are too random
  #378 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2007, 09:32 PM
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Originally Posted by canospinach View Post
I work very closely with some people who are upper management at SPCS, not to mention several of them and i go back almost 15 years in the wireless industry.

The information was communicated to me directly by SPCS to expect the ROM update shortly after CES as the new devices/services are priority until then. Of course that could easily manifest into February. As you know since Q1 ends March 31st i think we are all really on the same timetable

As for real WM6, like you i am theorizing part of the delay may be the new OS, honestly this has not been part of our conversation though so i can neither confirm nor deny.
Cool - thanks for the info!
  #379 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2007, 04:25 AM
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Sprint fanboy or not,the phone overheating during voice calls,discharging and shutting down,is NOT normal operation. While this only happens in a warm room,if you have wifi on,it happens even in a cool room. Ive been through several phones,and they all have the problem,and others report it too. Its called an implied warranty. If you buy a washing machine,you expect it to wash your clothes. If you buy a phone,you expect it to make phone calls. If I want to talk all day Saturday on it,it should do it,like any other phone does. If it overheats,discharges and shuts down,thats not what should happen. Not to mention that I should not be expected as an end user to even have figured this out. All I knew was that sometimes my phone stops charging. Fortunately many years of experience pointed me in the right direction and a can of compressed air verified it.

Originally Posted by canospinach View Post
Ok, you have to realize what your pointing out is normal device operation. Not to mention how is that an advertised feature or spec which didnt materialize at deployment?

Take a look at any radio device and you will see physical heat buildup.

the device will have heat buildup just from the CDMA radio which is only .6 watts. The WiFi uses significantly more power and therefor is subject to higher heat dissipation.

Go touch your WiFi router and you will see it is warm/hot as well.

I feel like Mythbusters, sorry myth busted.

BTW, why would i " Dont even try to tell me I shouldnt be running alot of trafic over wifi" ? what you do with your phone is clearly your business.

Last edited by pflatlyne; 12-22-2007 at 04:27 AM.
  #380 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2007, 04:53 AM
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Originally Posted by pflatlyne View Post
Sprint fanboy or not,the phone overheating during voice calls,discharging and shutting down,is NOT normal operation. While this only happens in a warm room,if you have wifi on,it happens even in a cool room. Ive been through several phones,and they all have the problem,and others report it too. Its called an implied warranty. If you buy a washing machine,you expect it to wash your clothes. If you buy a phone,you expect it to make phone calls. If I want to talk all day Saturday on it,it should do it,like any other phone does. If it overheats,discharges and shuts down,thats not what should happen. Not to mention that I should not be expected as an end user to even have figured this out. All I knew was that sometimes my phone stops charging. Fortunately many years of experience pointed me in the right direction and a can of compressed air verified it.
Your right, that does not sound like normal operation.

As you know if you continuously have this issue time after time you may need to address other issues in how you handle your handset (charging habits, aftermarket chargers etc.). It would have been a great assist in your other post if you had posted more detail about your issue as the general info stated is not an out of the ordinary experience. In your other post in another thread you mention it overheats when on the phone and plugged in. In reality the phone is not designed to be used while charging as its a tremendous strain on the battery as well as charging mechanism. This may be part of your issue.

EDIT - USB charging or connectivity to a PC is far lower power input than a DC or AC adaptor which is why you can use the handset while USB connected but should not when charging on AC or DC. Some premium quality DC adapters may shut off charging during a call to prevent these issues during say in car use.

You and several other people reporting a problem in no way creates an "Implied warranty". Regardless is anyone questioning that this might be covered under warranty? Have you so far not had your handsets replaced? If you do not already have it, I might recommend the protection plan just to make sure you have the best experience at the service center.

Keep in mind when charging or using the phone you will experience heat buildup, sometimes it will feel hot to the touch and that is absolutely normal.

Unfortunately they rate CDMA batteries far too high for real life network usage. I generally charge twice per day. Most consumers have an overly high expectation of battery performance to begin with.

If you want a real heat issue, back in 1992 Blaupunkt made a 1.2watt handheld that felt like you had a hot iron next to your head, not to mention in supporting that kind of power output the battery had no longevity and took almost 12 solid hours to charge

Last edited by canospinach; 12-23-2007 at 03:54 PM.
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