check out phonealarm at pocketmax.net it lets you also do profiles and even gives you a today plugin so you can have visual representation of your notifications and there are tons of skins for it. I've used on my treo 700wx, motoq, mogul and my touch and I dont think I could use a winmo phone w/o it
Great! Thanks a lot for reffering me to Phonealarm. I downloaded it and I already love it. It has a lot of features that I can use on a daily basis. Thanks again!
I just installed Phonealarm last night after seeing this thread, Ive seen it mentioned other places but just now decided to purchase it. I have to say its an awsome program and I was pleased to see MANY features that I wasnt expecting(tweaks and all).
I agree that this is a MUST have for any WM device. |
Is this program capable of staying hidden and just pop up with notifications? I dont want some fancy skinnable app taking up my nice clean Today screen, I'd just like the advanced alarm/notification functions.
I'm a flashing junkie. (the first step is admitting you have a problem)
You know I thought it was, but I tried to not let it be seen on the today screen and it didnt alert me of missed things so im assuming it needs to be there unless im missing something. I usually like a clean today screen but the features of phonealarm out weighted that (for me). I also loaded a new skin for phonealarm which made it more pleasing to my eye on the today screen