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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2007, 01:46 AM
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Which Custom ROM Fixes BT, Lockups, DPAD, Roaming???

Looking for the best custom ROM. I have tried DCD, WM5 etc. DCD worked for a couple of days, but now BT is turning off, and had lockup problems today! BT quality is fixed (no choppiness).

Which custom ROM fixes all these issues???
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2007, 10:15 AM
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I believer that IF there was one, it would be on all our phones.

You list the 3 items that are being persued diligently for some corrections and fixes. Most activities have been hasinv some success, but to my knowledge there are NONE that fix all three.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2007, 10:24 AM
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Roaming is radio related. Radio is kind of independent of the OS. As long as you have 1.40 or 1.32 radio installed, you should not have roaming issue.

BT turning off is related to Sprint 2.16. Any ROM from 2.16 should have this problem. If I understand correctly, DCD 1.4+ ROM should have this problem.

I guess you can try Alltel 2.14 (Titan_2.14) and DCD 1.15 or Colonels OCt21.

I could be wrong.

Originally Posted by aacceess View Post
Looking for the best custom ROM. I have tried DCD, WM5 etc. DCD worked for a couple of days, but now BT is turning off, and had lockup problems today! BT quality is fixed (no choppiness).

Which custom ROM fixes all these issues???
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2007, 10:32 AM
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Depending on how you use your phone, there are a couple of good ROMs out there.
I personally prefer the Colonel's Rom's. They have all the applications that I need and use on a daily basis. They are stable and do not crash, and best of all have not had the BT issues. Again though, you can customize Radio version and Rom and come up w a winner better for you, but for my money and sanity Colonel got it going on
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2007, 10:32 AM
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Unfortunately, as I've said before, and have seen others say, I believe BT on the Mogul may not be fixable. I suspect a design problem - the hardware design margins may be razor thin in that some people say BT works fine for them, and others like me have tried multiple ROMS and can't get it to work.

BT on the Touch works just great out of the box, so HTC / MS / Sprint do know how to do it. That, coupled with no near-term Mogul fix date, make me think that they've tried and can't make it work. I suspect "early 2008" is a way of saying "we hope you all forget about it and have bought other phones by then".
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2007, 10:43 AM
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My impression from other posts is that BT on Alltel Mogul works fine. If so, then it's just a software/driver issue.

Originally Posted by willysp View Post
Unfortunately, as I've said before, and have seen others say, I believe BT on the Mogul may not be fixable. I suspect a design problem - the hardware design margins may be razor thin in that some people say BT works fine for them, and others like me have tried multiple ROMS and can't get it to work.

BT on the Touch works just great out of the box, so HTC / MS / Sprint do know how to do it. That, coupled with no near-term Mogul fix date, make me think that they've tried and can't make it work. I suspect "early 2008" is a way of saying "we hope you all forget about it and have bought other phones by then".
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2007, 11:57 AM
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Originally Posted by wlin1998 View Post
Roaming is radio related. Radio is kind of independent of the OS. As long as you have 1.40 or 1.32 radio installed, you should not have roaming issue.

BT turning off is related to Sprint 2.16. Any ROM from 2.16 should have this problem. If I understand correctly, DCD 1.4+ ROM should have this problem.

I guess you can try Alltel 2.14 (Titan_2.14) and DCD 1.15 or Colonels OCt21.

I could be wrong.
This is pretty much the story as of now, so until something new is fixed/comes out (there is progress being made), you have to pick and choose which problems you can deal with.
This is pretty much the breakdown:

If your biggest problem is:
Device freezes randomly due to network / data switching - Any rom will do, just flash a different Radio, such as 1.40 (which can be found in DCD's dir on the ftp).

D-Pad Issues - This only exists in the 2.16 ROM, so anything else will work. I recommend ones based on Alltel, such as the older DCD Roms.

Bluetooth Quality - Hands down, Alltel Roms win. The new 2.16 was an improvment over Sprint stock, but alltel seems clearer. DCD's clean roms based on alltel are the best if this is your largest concern, since he throws in some other "fixes" as well (such as sprint roaming settings and volume fix).

Bluetooth Freezes - Well, this is a problem. Alltel's rom can freeze the phone if a BT device is disconnected when the phone is in suspend. There's a registry item that I found that changes this behavior to simply shut bluetooth off instead when it happens. Odd, but at least its not frozen. 2.16 based roms do not have this, neither does the stock.

Personally, running a modified DCD rom. Until something better comes along...
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2007, 01:37 PM
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Thx a ton for this compilation of info. To hear anything on my jawbone I have to turn off the AC, radio and shove the damn thing in my ear (with all the BT/volume hax), bout threw it out the window yesterday . Im gonna ditch the 2.16 and try the Alltell
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