The purpose of these instructions is to modify the WM6.1 registry to get free internet tethering. Sprint is forcing everyone to purchase “PAM” for internet tethering.
![Brick wall](
PAM costs extra on most plans. Just because you have an unlimited internet data plan does not guarantee you can also tether to your PC and browse the internet with your PC using your phone as a modem. I am using a “Sprint Mogul” PPC6800 Titan. Yet, the following instruction should work with any WM6.1 Phone or device with a data plan. If you do not have a internet data on your plan you may be charged an exorbitant amount of money for using internet data on your phone using this hack.
1. Make sure you are able to browse the internet on your phone.
2.2. If your phone is new or you have done a hard reset to get back to the “out of the box” settings on your phone,
and you cannot browse the internet. Go to Start > Settings > Connections (lower tab) > Connectios > Manage existing connections. “Sprint PCS” and “#777” or (whatever network and number your cell company uses) should be there. Go to “Edit”, hit “Next” and do not change the existing default values until you get to the “username”/”password”/”domain” page. There use your “PowerVision Username” and “web account password” or whatever username and password your cell company uses to allow you to browse the internet on your phone. Sprint does not require a domain, but other companies may. Hit “Finish” and you should be able to browse the internet. The username may be the same as your web account username; in my case it is similar but not identical. If you are unsure of your username, you can find it on your device itself, or
call your cell company and get them to help you set up your phone to browse the internet. Otherwise, First go to “Start” > “Phone” > “Menu” > “Device information”. Look at “Current Username” the username before the @ symbol is your username if you have internet data on your plan.
3.3. You have to edit the registry. Make sure you have Activesync installed on a PC, and that you can connect to your phone. You need Activesync to use the registry edit software, and also Activesync will install the proper phone modem driver for your phone so that your computer may recognize the phone connection as a modem and tether to the internet.
4.4. Download the free registry edit software. “CERegedit” and install your PC. You may use other software but I recommend this software because it also has a registry unlock tool unlike many other software.
5.5. Run CERegedit from your PC. Make sure you connected to your phone via Activesync. Then Go to “Connection” > “Connect” or hit “F1”. Your phone registry should show up.
6.6. You must unlock your registry before you can edit it. So, go to “Tools” > “Unlock registry”, then hit “yes”. You should see a message stating your registry is unlocked.
7.7. Browse the registry to make the first modification.
Click on “Internetsharing”. Right click on “Extension” (to the right). From the menu hit “Delete” You should have deleted this string: Extension - isext.dll
8.8. Then click on “Settings”
Double click on the “ForceCellConnection”, and change the value from “Phone As Modem” to “Sprint PCS” or whatever your cell company uses.
9.9. And then do a soft restart. Go to “Tools” > “Reset Device”. Your phone should turn off and reset.
10.10. Now to test the hack. Plug your phone via USB to the PC you want to tether to. Make sure the PC has the proper RDNIS driver for your phone modem, or Activesync installed. You could also use Bluetooth to tether (I have not tested Bluetooth with this hack). Once the computer has recognized your phone either via Activesync or via Bluetooth. Go to “Start” > “Programs” > “Internet Sharing”. There, choose between “USB” or “Bluetooth PAN” to correspond with your PC connection method. Then hit “connect”. The Activesync connection should disconnect and the modem should connect. The status of your connection on your phone should show “connected”. If you get an error message unplug the phone and try again.
11.11. Enjoy
free internet tethering on your WM6.1 phone (and possibly WM6.5)