it is timed to go back to the original settings in 50 seconds.. you can open the first zip file contents with notepad on your pc and tweak the sleep to what is desired
#Sleep for a little while Sleep(50000) or delete all of these lines and it will stay at max #Sleep for a little while Sleep(50000) #Turn the lights back to original RegWriteDword ("HKCU", "ControlPanel\Backlight", "Brightness", Brightness) RegWriteDword ("HKCU", "ControlPanel\Backlight", "ACBrightness", ACBrightness) i'll tweak some more on it later to try to set it so pressing the button again goes back to normal.
Re: Setting back light adjust to a hard button
I wrote an application you can bind with a button to toggle brightness between 10 and 1 (my two favorite settings) each time you press it. Regretfully it requires PocketC runtime. Let me know if anyone is interested. I am considering making it toggle between three settings (1, 5, 10), which would be simple but I question the utility of it.
I recognize a mortscript would probably be simpler and run better, but I don't have it installed, so there. |