Anyone, Have you been charged to tether?
I am starting a new thread instead of posting in the existing tethering thread because I am interested in the answers of people who are not necessarily trying to avoid paying for tethering and therefore might not read the other thread. Does anyone who occasionly tethers (use their phone a modem for internet and not on a PAM plan), see charges on their bill for tethering. I was wondering if Sprint does not have their software for PAM detection enabled yet. If they don't, many members might find big bills for data in some random month when it is implemented. So much information on this subject (tethering) is up in the air and no one is saying they have been charged X number of Dollars$$$$$$. Many of the hacks, reg changes and software may not be testable if Sprint is not yet doing anything; So please, If you have been charged additional data charges while on unlimited data for tethering, please let us know here. Thank you in advance.