Originally Posted by almighty
so this is actually 2 little post when i use internet sharing on my mogul it doesnt seem to always want to charge... it says charging and the light comes on but it will not charge or it will slowly drain once i am done pushing data or turn off internet sharing it will start to charge...
issue number 2 is after about 15-30 mins of usage while plugged in the unit will start to flash the charging light and will not charge... is this normal? its not the biggest deal in the world but it dont quite seem right i have plenty of portable electronics that get lots of use and never "overheat"
Its a flaw in the mogul. Many people see it.This is what I posted in another post.
There are things you can to do help it,but its allways a problem. Turning bt off will help. Also reduce the power of your wifi to minimum (its in the settings). Also you can try removing the back and opening the keyboard. That goes a long way. Turning wifi off altogether and using the USB can also help. At the end of the day though,it still can happen. My solution,which is not really a good one,is to sit the phone on top of a fan. I happened to have the broken fan from a socket 478 intel cpu cooler. I hook up the power and sit the phone on the upside down fan and it keeps it cool. A pretty screwed up solution,but its the best Ive been able to come up with.
If anyone else has any tricks they have figured out,Id love to hear them.
<edit> Come to think of it,there may be another reason other than usage pattern that some people do not see this. The radio adjusts its power depending on how far you are from the tower. If your a long ways away,the phone will get hotter so people who use their phone more in fringe areas may have more problems. (well,maybe this is a "usage pattern" but not in the same way as connecting to wifi while your talking on the phone or such)