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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 04:43 PM
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AOSP/AOKP roms are starting to drop

Good news is they are starting to make them for the Rezound with most things working including data. Bad thing is we need to wait for kernel source to iron out the remaining issues like the camera. Once kernel source drops development on the Rezound should heat up a good bit. Anyway if you would like to test out a couple fairly stable roms here are the links:

[ROM][BETA][8.26.12]CyanogenMod 9 Kang - NO BRICKS!!![S-OFF][CM9][CDMA] - xda-developers

AOKP | vigor | August 26 | Milestone 6 - xda-developers

Big thanks to dmeadows, mbobino, chad0989, etc for making this happen.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2012, 11:30 AM
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Re: AOSP/AOKP roms are starting to drop

Kernel source has dropped! Good news indeed.

Kernel Source is Out! - xda-developers

Should see some really good kernels now and further stability on CM9 and AOKP ports.
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