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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2010, 11:01 AM
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Hello all,
I am new to this forum. I have been poking around looking to get some support for my Ozone and stumbled onto this web site, and I am glad I did. I posted in another section of this forum because I couldn't find this one. then someone directed me to this one.
Ok, I have had this Ozone now for about 6 months now and I love it "BUT", I am getting my 4th phone delivered to me because something is always happening to it. The Thing that seems to be the biggest issue with it is syncing. I was wondering if this is a problem with other ozone users?
The other thing is, I might have to go to another comparable phone. Most likely a Blackberry. What are the plus and minuses to a Blackberry and which one is like the Ozone? Maybe it is that I have been the most unlucky person in the world with it. It seems like most people are extremely happy with it. But for one reason or another and the number one thing wrong with it is the syncing. I really need that part of my phone. It also seems like people who use the blackberry love their blackberry's also. So if anyone here has had both I would love some feedback.

Thank You,
Arizona Bowhunter
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2010, 09:11 PM
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I havent had any major issues with the HTC Ozone on either 6.1 or the free 6.5 update on their site....It reminds me ALOT of the HTC Treo Pro ( HTC made for Palm) and I loved that device also... It seems to sync first time and everytime...The only HTC device I had trouvle syncing was a used Sprint Touch Pro, but may have been a bad unit and I was also on Vista at the time (yuck)...

As for BB and other OS, I have limited knowledge but the older versions used to have a "middle" program to sync with Outlook... I like a direct sync so i stick with Windows to Windows... Makes life easier... But to each his own...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2010, 12:04 AM
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I own a Treo Pro (Similar to Ozone like Outlaw said), and my husband has a Tour right now. I don't use the Treo anymore, but I have it somewhere. Anyways, I have used the Tour and will admit it is a great phone. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I am so accustomed to a touch screen I kept going to touch things and I got frustrated. He has not had any problems with the phone, and he is very rough on his equipment at work. I know he syncs fine with his work Exchange stuff, but it is an extra fee for that kind of availability since it isn't a personal email account. There could be a third party app for this but I don't know how well it would work.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2010, 08:55 PM
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Originally Posted by CarlaDarla View Post
I own a Treo Pro (Similar to Ozone like Outlaw said), and my husband has a Tour right now. I don't use the Treo anymore, but I have it somewhere. Anyways, I have used the Tour and will admit it is a great phone. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I am so accustomed to a touch screen I kept going to touch things and I got frustrated. He has not had any problems with the phone, and he is very rough on his equipment at work. I know he syncs fine with his work Exchange stuff, but it is an extra fee for that kind of availability since it isn't a personal email account. There could be a third party app for this but I don't know how well it would work.
you might try a storm 2
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2010, 11:31 PM
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I have a first Gen Storm somewhere, wow it's ing the phones I have in drawers lol, anyways I absolutely despise that phone and want nothing to do with trying it's second generation counterpart.
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