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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2007, 11:05 PM
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Opinion on the Kaiser and the service AT&T provides?

Seems for the most part everyone is loving this phone. It's hardware is definatly impressive.

My main question is right now it comes down to the Sprint Mogul and the Kaiser. I have read the laundry list of problems that the mogul has had, so that is obvously scaring me a little bit. But I'm very much interested in the service of Sprint in terms of cost.

So just a few questions for a newbie if anyone would mind answering.

1) The data network for both companies is good. Which one is considered better and faster? No point in web browsing if it takes an hour (currently switching for T-mobile, so you can understand my pain).
2) Overall if you upgraded from the 8525, or 8125, was it worth it to you for the upgrade? Or do you think maybe you should have waited.
3) For those with AT&T unity plan, does that mean you can call, or get calls from anyone with AT&T or Cingular and not use up minutes? Cause if so that would be a pretty sweet deal considering so many people have AT&T at home where I live.

And lastly, does this device support a form of flash? I'm mainly concered with steaming sirius radio from my phone, so I was just wondering.

Thanks for anyone responding.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2007, 12:57 AM
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Sprint Data is the fastest in the USA (if not the world)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2007, 01:05 AM
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I didn't know that. I have heard good things, but didn't know it was that good.

I just noticed the cost of AT&T ulimited data plans... That might have scared me off a bit. I'm not sure about spending more than a hundred bucks a month on a phone.

Why are they more pricey than sprints data plans?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2007, 02:09 AM
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I have no clue why other companies data is expensive. Sprints cheapest data plan is $15 unlimited. Average speed is 400k-700k and with a rev.A update coming soon, speeds will be over 1MB. I spend about $90 a month on my plan. I'm sure I could get cheaper but I don't want to change anything and have my contract start over again lol
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2007, 01:00 PM
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I love my tilt, much better then the 6700, ear sound is better, faster, more space, etc.
If you live in a 3G area, speeds will be comparable, they are for me at least, compared to vzw. I think the latency times are a bit better though for at&t, but this should change when vzw & sprint release rev A. At&t has far less 3G coverage. You can still get plans for under 90 bucks, with less options though (minutes, txt), or you can do some research, and save yourself some money. I got my tilt for 150, which was the nail in the coffin, thanks newegg! I also like the sim aspect of the phone.
If I didn't go with the tilt I was gonna go with sprint sero plan, to cheap to pass up, but for the price I got the tilt for, my corporate discount, and the fact that it has the gps built in, swayed my decision, it was still cheaper for me to pay my etf for verizon & get the tilt, then get the xv6800 through them, that is after I sold my phone on ebay.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2007, 03:15 AM
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I was just reading this and thought I would say my experience with the Mogul and Sprint.
Yes the Mogul is not working as well as it should right now, but in the near future that will all change with new roms and such. Sprint's network is extremely fast. A friend of mine has the Tilt with ATT of course and the ATT network does not compare.

To me it is a simple choice. I need to be able to use a lot of minutes and unlimited data with fast speed for a reasonable price. I also need to have good reception at the same time with no roaming issues. Having 64mb less RAM with the Mogul vs. Tilt, and the obvious tilting monitor, is not as important to me as the network speed, reception, and price. So if you want the better phone, get the Tilt. If you want a better experience, get the Mogul. I cannot tell you how often my friends complain of the "crappy 3G crap".

The Mogul DOES have GPS built in. It is also Rev-A ready. A new ROM for the Mogul is supposedly being released by HTC in Jan '08 to enable both features.

Here is my Sprint plan:

Sprint Power Pack 4000- $149.99
Plan Features:

* $149.99 Sprint Power Pack Plan
* All Minutes Include Domestic Long Distance
* 4000 Anytime Minutes
* Unlimited Data
* Unlimited Mobile to Mobile
* Unlimited Night and Weekend Minutes
* Nights: M-Th 7PM-7AM Wknd: F 7PM-M 7AM
* Caller ID
* Call-waiting
* Three-way

Last edited by wood; 12-13-2007 at 03:18 AM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2007, 05:36 PM
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Yeah I ended up going with the Mogul. I couldn't refuse the Sero plan, it was simply to good to pass up.

I paid 299 for the phone, plus 2 year contract for the sero plan.

Monthly 49.00 month,
Unlimited Data and unlimited text messaging
1250 any time minutes.
Unlimited night and weekend starting at 7pm.

Can't complain. The best I could do with AT&T was 149 for the Tilt plus tax, 2 year contract.

With a 108.00 monthly,
900 rollover with unlimited night and weekend. 59.99
Unlimited data, 39.99
Early nights at 7pm for 8.99

In the end the service costs from AT&T made the decision for me. The thought of more ram with the tilt, and the fact that I love the tilt screen itself, went away very quickly when I saw how much a month I'd have to muster up just to use a network that is considered slower than sprints on most of the forums I've been to so far.

Just couldn't justify the tilt. For a time I admit I even was looking at just ignoring the data plan, and for the fact the Tilt is the newer and better phone. But what good is a phone if you can't use it all the time, and where i live hotspots are not abundant yet.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2007, 10:00 PM
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From the network standpoint Sprint is definitely faster; however depending on where you are at coverage may or may not be an issue (and easily decide that question for you). If you live in an area that does not have 3G from AT&T then Sprint (or Verizon, but their data costs more =/ ) would obviously be a better choice.

From the phone standpoint the Tilt is definitely the better phone. While I like the Mogul, it has various issues that have yet to be corrected (i.e., Bluetooth, keyboard problems with various programs) and the ROMs released so far in order to correct these issues have failed miserably (the last was released and then recalled). As a previous poster mentioned HTC has promised a new ROM to be released in January that enable Rev. A and GPS (and hopefully fix the other major issues that people have had with the phone), but I'll believe it when I see it.

Steps - Are you a Sprint user? I believe they've changed their policy to allow you to change your contract without having to sign a new agreement. That happened within the past month.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2007, 12:37 AM
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I'm not sure where you all are getting your facts from about Sprint having the fastest data network available. The current Sprint EV-DO Rev. 0 network has a maximum download speed of 2.45Mbps, and a maximum upload speed of 0.15Mbps. While Sprint has the Rev. A network (3.1Mbps Max Down, 1.8Mbps Max Up) available, support has not yet been rolled out for it.

The HSDPA network has a maximum download speed of 14.4Mbps. AT&T is currently only utilizing 3.6Mbps max download speeds, but that puts them ahead of even Rev. A which isn't available right now. AT&T has not rolled out HSUPA support yet, which offers max upload speeds of 5.76Mbps, but the current average for uploads speeds is 0.1-0.2Mbps. So AT&T's current average upload speeds are faster than Sprint's current maximum upload speeds.

And yes, the AT&T Tilt currently supports 3.6Mbps download speeds through an HSDPA connection. Obtaining HSDPA is as easy as a one-line registry edit. GPS is fully supported right out of the box.

I will admit that AT&T's service is a bit outrageously priced for what you are getting, but they do currently have the faster network. I don't know where any of you live, but in my area and anywhere else I go, AT&T's 3G support is great.

All my information was found in the links below.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2007, 07:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Tecknik View Post
I'm not sure where you all are getting your facts from about Sprint having the fastest data network available. The current Sprint EV-DO Rev. 0 network has a maximum download speed of 2.45Mbps, and a maximum upload speed of 0.15Mbps. While Sprint has the Rev. A network (3.1Mbps Max Down, 1.8Mbps Max Up) available, support has not yet been rolled out for it.

The HSDPA network has a maximum download speed of 14.4Mbps. AT&T is currently only utilizing 3.6Mbps max download speeds, but that puts them ahead of even Rev. A which isn't available right now. AT&T has not rolled out HSUPA support yet, which offers max upload speeds of 5.76Mbps, but the current average for uploads speeds is 0.1-0.2Mbps. So AT&T's current average upload speeds are faster than Sprint's current maximum upload speeds.

And yes, the AT&T Tilt currently supports 3.6Mbps download speeds through an HSDPA connection. Obtaining HSDPA is as easy as a one-line registry edit. GPS is fully supported right out of the box.

I will admit that AT&T's service is a bit outrageously priced for what you are getting, but they do currently have the faster network. I don't know where any of you live, but in my area and anywhere else I go, AT&T's 3G support is great.

All my information was found in the links below.
What is the registry edit you are referring to and do you know how much of a difference it makes versus the default Tilt/Kaiser factory settings?
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