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Old 06-29-2010, 11:35 AM
infowars's Avatar
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Old Att Kaiser need same ROM?

Hey ya ALL,

Here's the problem....

Got a Kaiser Att . . . got rid of most of the bloatware with clear set (?)
ALL was running GREAT ie Skype, (wow) HTC home, ect... had 101 Ram and 68 Rom left for personal bloatware.... (Woopeee)

Tried to do a Sprite Backup and after I hit the "bkup to SD .... YES"... this device went into a LOOP and will not get past the "Windows Splash Screen"....And loops until I pull out the battery.... So it wont connect to Active Sync so I can re-flash to FIX...

Been Searching for 3 days now for a WM 6.1 Att Rom with 1.57.502.2 with a Radio of so I can TRY to flash from SD card, but havn't located it yet....

Since I can't afford to update most of my "paid" bloatware that I can't live without.... and cant do a Hardspl or change Radio etc without ActiveSic, than I really need the same ROM, Radio etc..

So does anyone here or anywhere have a link to that ATT ROM or one that is compatible to that ROM?

Thanks very much, for this forum, and any links....


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