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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2007, 03:16 PM
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Defected from Verizon for this phone

Just wanted to say that I defected from Verizon to buy this phone.
I'm still in my 30 day trial period.
I've had the XV6700 before this and did a bunch with cooked roms including the WM6 rom.

This phone is refreshing. The hardware is better, faster, slicker and has more features.
The software is basically great. A couple of glitches but nothing making me want to leave
Windows Mobile anytime soon. I signed up with the telenav trial for the GPS and it basically does what it needs to do fairly easily. Very cool stuff.

As far as my research and personal opinion, this is the best WM6 Pro phone stateside. I could give a crap about AT&T adding some bloatware demos or them charging for tethering (you can still find internet sharing in the windows directory and run it free with data plan) in the sense that every cell company is basically out to make a buck and overcharging for services and hoping you'll buy and download lots of crap based on demos is the norm. Who cares.

The question in my head is always if I can stay with AT&T based on coverage. That is all relative to where people live I presume and my 3G coverage seems lame. I also think that once I'm inside places my coverage weakens more substantially than with Verizon. What do I know.

I do know that if Verizon had this phone I would buy it through them.
I don't know if I will stay with AT&T for this phone.

Just some thoughts as I'm excited this forum has finally opened on this site.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2007, 11:32 PM
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Well I guess my outlook is a little bit different. I had nextel before verizon, now I've spent 3 days, and have been very impressed with the phone, the coverage, and the data speed. Where I'm at, at&t data seems quicker, the voice volume is louder on the tilt then the xv6700, it has gps and a sim, one thing I dearly missed with verizon. With a pda phone, I really like the thought of being able to pop the sim out, put it into a cheap unlocked phone & not worry about it when going out. Call me crazy, even the retention lady when I canceled my verizon apoligized for not having the latest phones, but they were coming out with ones. I know the samsung just came out, and the xv6800 is right around the corner, but there still what seem to be a generation behind. For the price I got, I couldn't pass it up.

If verizon had this phone, I may have of stayed, but in the end it's a wash, all things considered.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2007, 10:11 PM
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Originally Posted by tahlsr View Post
Just wanted to say that I defected from Verizon to buy this phone.
I'm still in my 30 day trial period.
I've had the XV6700 before this and did a bunch with cooked roms including the WM6 rom.

This phone is refreshing. The hardware is better, faster, slicker and has more features.
The software is basically great. A couple of glitches but nothing making me want to leave
Windows Mobile anytime soon. I signed up with the telenav trial for the GPS and it basically does what it needs to do fairly easily. Very cool stuff.

As far as my research and personal opinion, this is the best WM6 Pro phone stateside. I could give a crap about AT&T adding some bloatware demos or them charging for tethering (you can still find internet sharing in the windows directory and run it free with data plan) in the sense that every cell company is basically out to make a buck and overcharging for services and hoping you'll buy and download lots of crap based on demos is the norm. Who cares.

The question in my head is always if I can stay with AT&T based on coverage. That is all relative to where people live I presume and my 3G coverage seems lame. I also think that once I'm inside places my coverage weakens more substantially than with Verizon. What do I know.

I do know that if Verizon had this phone I would buy it through them.
I don't know if I will stay with AT&T for this phone.

Just some thoughts as I'm excited this forum has finally opened on this site.
I have a question, do you have bluetooth problems with this phone? Does the bluetooth radio shut off for no reason? I am asking b/c the PPC-6800 has this problem and I would like to see if the Kaiser has the same problem.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2007, 02:57 AM
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Hey, I switched from Verizon for this phone too, although I have the htc TyTN II version running on T-Mobile and I love it, my old phones were treo's and 6700. The GPS is really fast, faster that my dedicated Nuvi 600gps, it shows the actual location your at instead of where you were. I don't use Nuvi anymore. The bluetooth stays on, I have never had it shut off, my Vista bluetooth is a different story though. I switched because the 6800 was supposed to come out on Verizon a long time ago, now it is old and it looks ugly and it STILL isn't out. I told them the same thing, their lack of new phones is horrible. The internet seems to run the same even though I was paying $45 for it through Verizon and now am paying $20, Verizon internet in my area was about the same speed as T-Mobile even though Verizon's was supposed to be faster.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2007, 05:41 PM
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You mentioned that you are only paying $20 a month now for data. I went to T-Mobiles website and tried to build a plan that had a data plan at that price. They have something called a "Sidekick Unlimited Data" for $20 a month. Did you just get a plan with a sidekick so you could get that service and then put the SIM card in an unlocked TyTN II? Thanks!

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2007, 02:08 AM
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No, I started with the wing, then bought the tytn, I just put the sim card in the tytn and it took over. T-mobile has reduced the unlimited data from 30 to 20 in the past month, I found out and had them switch it to the new price.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2007, 02:28 AM
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I also finally switched from Verizon for this phone. Not so much FOR this phone, but because Verizon's PDA offerings are so old, and their new ones keep getting delayed. I came from a Palm 700p, which was buggy from the day it was released like a year and a half ago, and they still haven't gotten it right. I waited for the 755p, that didn't come, so I waited for the 6800, that didn't come, so I finally gave up. Their Windows Mobile offerings are now two generations behind AT&T, and I've already had my Tilt a month and no 6800 yet. I don't mind paying them my ETF, just to get them out of my life.

I have found that AT&T's coverage, while not as good for voice, is sufficient, and the data is much better. Believe me, it took a LOT for me to trust AT&T's coverage, which was atrocious when last I had them five years ago. Verizon had to be really, really incompetent to get me to that point, and so far I feel really good that I finally gave ATT another try.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2007, 10:31 PM
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Cool, thanks for the info sputnic.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2007, 03:07 PM
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I used to do C/S for Verizon.
It was sort of sad to watch them slowly decline from the Big Man On Campus to the Old Lady With Cats.
They always claimed that their slow development was due to their high priority on stability for business users - rubbish!

I ended up on Cingular because my credit is a bit blemished, and was suprised that they have better voice coverage in my area.

My employer is porting all their phones from vzw to AT&T, and my laptop is limping along with a bad charging port that I just haven't had time to have repaired.

So, I asked them to get me a Tilt.

I'm very impressed so far.

My company provided sim isn't active until tomorrow, so I put my personal sim in and made sure all data goes through wifi.

Can't speak to the 3g speeds yet - but the wifi is seemless.

I definitely need to pick up a memory card for it.

Installed the rdp client and connected right up to both my home system and the main corporate server. Now, when someone loses a laptop, I can disable their account immediately and check for intrusions no matter where I am without lugging the laptop around.

It's definitely heavier than my Razr - but I could care less.

It looks good, it's solid, voice quality is excellent.

Opera Mini on it is awesome - best add-in I've found so far, other than the rdp client which was an absolute must.

Battery life is better than I had hoped for - though I must admit BT is turned off until I can remember where I left my headset the last time it's battery died.

Brought it home and played with it from 6pm until after midnight starting with whatever charge it had as shipped, and it still had about 30% left.

All I ask in a battery is that it get me through a full day, and it looks like this one will do so.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2007, 06:41 PM
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I wish i could leave vzw...but my entire family is on it. got some of them to switch to verizon, and now i want to leave, they would kill me. need the in-texting. but wow do i feel like im wasting my life away on verizon. i would feel better if i could afford data...but $45????? seriously? $45???
is it that obvious?
WM6.1 + GPS = now i can tell my wife I know where we are lost
Thank me

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