Re: Please just a little help
Sounds like you are on the right path with the HSPL. You should have been able to get that from the first post in the "Imagio Upgrades" forum. As far as battery life improvement....I have read several different ways of doing this, but everyone seems to have different experiences. I will list the things that you can try:
1. Use a registry editor and search for "pollinterval". Navigate to HKLM\\Drivers\BuiltIn\Battery\PollInterval the value should be 5000. Some people have suggested to change this to 20000 to improve battery life. I tried this and could not tell a difference. I thought it may be a typo so I also tried changing to 200, but this made the battery life much worse. 2. Disable all programs that you don't "need" updating automatically from automatically updating on the internet. Examples are Weather, Stocks, Facebook, Twitter, ActiveSync, and etc.... 3. Go to settings/system/power (or battery)/ and adjust the display brightness to the lowest possible setting that you are comfortable with. 4. Whenever you are not going to be using your phone for awhile, open your task manager and close all "processes" that you don't need running. Examples are Opera, BTT.. (blue tooth), VoiceCmd, Poutlook, MFLO, AlbumSearcher, AudioManager, QuickGPS, and anything else that you don't need running while your phone is in your pocket. I usually only have about 11 processes running while I am not using my phone. Any processes that you kill should start again when you start the corresponding program. In conclusion, I usually get pretty good battery life doing steps 2-4. I can get about 10-14 hours of battery life before I get to about 10% of energy left. I also use my phone as my MP3 player, so I play music on it a lot. At least two hours per day. Having said all of this and giving you perspective on my usage, some people report getting 26 hours of life before needing to recharge. I really would love to know how they are doing that. I don't see how that is possible, but what do I know..... |
Re: Please just a little help
Re: Please just a little help
I know that after I upgraded to the 3.04 ROM that I had much better battery life. Since then, it doesn't seem to matter which of the ROM's I install, my battery life is always quite good. Remember that when you run a WVGA touchscreen phone, you are using significantly more power than you would with say.... a blackberry (which I could run for three days without charging). With these phones, it is normal to have to charge your phone everyday with Sense installed. If you are running Titanium or just plain Windows you could expect more longevity.
Right now I would equate myself to a heavy user so I am charging my phone at my desk at work but will still see the battery almost dead by the end of the night and this is much better then when I originally bought it.
AT&T; iPhone 4 (iOS 4.1) JB'd with Limera1n
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Re: Please just a little help
With any of the custom ROMs I have had no battery problems. I consume around 50% with a full day of use including push email for nearly 12 hours.
On the stock ROMS like 304 I had some unstable battery usage. Currently running a ROM from the PPC kitchen and my Imagio is rockin. |
Re: Please just a little help
I don't think a lot of people here are being honest about their battery usage. It ticks me off to hear "Oh I charge my battery throughout the day and I get GREAT battery life" well DUH! of COURSE you do! That's not a true measure of how good your battery life is. Do what I did. Charge it at night, use your phone like normal until it gets to 10% and THEN recharge. Do this for 2 months and you will gradually see that your battery lasts longer by the week until finally you don't even use more than 50% by bed time. I did this when the phone was first released and my batt life was superb after the first month and a half. Did this when the new Verizon stock ROM was released and it took about a month to get to optimal batt usage. Now with the onset of custom ROMs i'm doing the same procedure.
Not sure of the science behind it but for some reason or another, these phones take a month or so to get to optimum battery usage after a ROM flash. |
Re: Please just a little help
And I have not experienced any quirks of battery behavior with the custom ROMs. I have tried almost all of the published ROMs and cooked a few with the kitchens. |
Re: Please just a little help
Bat life isn't very good, but it's not terrible. I use drellesdee's rom and I really love it. Give that one a try if you haven't already.
I rage. I can't spell. I'm complicated. You will learn to love me.
Re: Please just a little help
1. If you are not a global user, you put the phone in CDMA only mode. This will stop the radio from trying to poll GSM towers. 2. If you don't use VCAST, you should do a regedit to stop the TV icon from also using up power through the radio. 3. You should install Advanced Config and set the Power Options to "Enabled". I notice a big difference with this, especially with the SD Power Option. 4. I would recommend the advice up above having to due with cycling your battery. You should try to drain your battery all the way out and then charge it fully. You run apps on your phone as a catalyst to help drain the battery faster. I play music to help drain down battery as well as keep Opera open. You should do this for like a week straight when you first get a phone, but also, you should try to do this routinely. 5. Some people might think this advice sucks, but I think it makes a lot of sense especially when you are using HTC's UI. Reboot your phone once a day by turning it off, waiting 30 seconds, then turn it back on. Sense leaks a lot of memory and this puts it back to it's original usage. I do this once a day as soon as I pick up my phone off the charger and head out the door. Just my 2 cents. |
Re: Please just a little help
First off, for anyone reading FluidJ's post, please take them with a grain of salt, as this is NOT the case with the Imagio and any of the new ROMs. Battery life on the Imagio is typical of any phone, meaning, the more crap you enable that is constantly polling, updating, syncing, the worse your battery life will be. The less frequent of these updates, the better battery life will be. Perfect example, just flashed to the r03.Full.Deck ROM last week. With Sense, I have it syncing weather every hour, Facebook every 2 hours, Windows Live and my Exchange ActiveSync email set to sync "As Items Arrive". My usage on SMS is pretty light, as is my email usage from the phone. On average, I can go from 7am til about 6pm on a full charge. By the time I go to get back in my car, I am around 15-20% battery life. And this is consistent, day to day. The newer ROMs battery usage will be better than stock, as you will have less of the VZW bloatware to slow the phone down by its constant services running, constant updates, etc. That much, has been proven |
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