Re: Please just a little help
I don't think a lot of people here are being honest about their battery usage. It ticks me off to hear "Oh I charge my battery throughout the day and I get GREAT battery life" well DUH! of COURSE you do! That's not a true measure of how good your battery life is. Do what I did. Charge it at night, use your phone like normal until it gets to 10% and THEN recharge. Do this for 2 months and you will gradually see that your battery lasts longer by the week until finally you don't even use more than 50% by bed time. I did this when the phone was first released and my batt life was superb after the first month and a half. Did this when the new Verizon stock ROM was released and it took about a month to get to optimal batt usage. Now with the onset of custom ROMs i'm doing the same procedure.
Not sure of the science behind it but for some reason or another, these phones take a month or so to get to optimum battery usage after a ROM flash.