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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 10:25 AM
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A few email questions

I use Exchange Active Sync for my work emails and I just noticed that the Hero syncs all my folders. Is there a way to choose folders? Also is there a schedule that the phone uses for active sync. Because I have noticed that in the middle of the night my phone will not get any emails and then usually right around the time I wake up I have all the emails from the middle of the night waiting to be read. I get emails all the time from 12:00 7:00am but when I wake up in the middle of the there are no emails on the phone.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 11:07 AM
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Re: A few email questions

Originally Posted by biggggant View Post
I use Exchange Active Sync for my work emails and I just noticed that the Hero syncs all my folders. Is there a way to choose folders? Also is there a schedule that the phone uses for active sync. Because I have noticed that in the middle of the night my phone will not get any emails and then usually right around the time I wake up I have all the emails from the middle of the night waiting to be read. I get emails all the time from 12:00 7:00am but when I wake up in the middle of the there are no emails on the phone.
I dont know much about exchange active sync as I dont use it, but as far as the active sync schedule, YOU set that up. I set mine to push every 2 hrs. Sometimes i get emails at 2 am sometimes I wont get any say 10pm....
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 06:10 PM
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Re: A few email questions

I have my active sync to be push (as items arrive) but I dont seem to be getting my late night emails until the morning
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 06:32 PM
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Re: A few email questions

Originally Posted by biggggant View Post
I have my active sync to be push (as items arrive) but I dont seem to be getting my late night emails until the morning

Check with your IT dept. They might have it set to not push during those hours as a courtesy to mobile device users. (i.e. ceo, etc.)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2009, 02:58 AM
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Re: A few email questions

I have no idea if this will be at all useful, but I have noticed that when I have rules set up on my Outlook to move certain emails into certain folders, that everything except for the inbox tends to get ignored on the phone. So, basically, if I have my work machine running and receiving emails I'll tend to only get the ones that go into my general inbox, all others seem to get ignored. I must add that it's not 100% consistent, since I do occasionally get emails that are destined for folders other than the Inbox.

Hope this is helpful in some way.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2009, 07:40 PM
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Re: A few email questions

Originally Posted by jesuspgt View Post
I have no idea if this will be at all useful, but I have noticed that when I have rules set up on my Outlook to move certain emails into certain folders, that everything except for the inbox tends to get ignored on the phone. So, basically, if I have my work machine running and receiving emails I'll tend to only get the ones that go into my general inbox, all others seem to get ignored. I must add that it's not 100% consistent, since I do occasionally get emails that are destined for folders other than the Inbox.

Hope this is helpful in some way.
Have you figured a way to get notifications of email in your other folders? I don't want to have to manually check every folder i have set up on the server for new mail. I'm looking to figure out how to check those folders without actually having to check them.
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