Originally Posted by heydjbobby74
I guess on your device you would have to individually choose which calendar. You can change which calendar you want highlighted at any time though by going into your calendar/menu/calendars, and choose which one. Again, I have them all highlighted, and everything on them shows up on my front page calendar. Hope this helped...
I have no problem seeing all of them and it updates if I add something on the web-based side, but if I add a new event and select another calendar then it will not sync with Google Calendars even though it is and supposed to. It will be in my phone. I can add an event with my primary calendar and it will snyc, but I have to goto Google Calendars we-based and switch it to the calendar the event was intended for. It's crazy, because with OggSync on WM, I could change which calendar an event went to directly in my phone, even if was already posted. We don't have the ability to change the event to move or reflect another calendar for some odd reason. So today, I just created an event with my primary and changed it later when I logged into my computer. I hope it's a fix or change in the near future
I know this has been an ongoing issue, thanks for trying.