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Old 11-24-2009, 12:02 AM
lilbitz_1018's Avatar
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For those of you having problems rooting then flashing

There's been quite a few. I just spend a good amount of time in a run around (on my part) with a fellow member. I've found the method I used and it worked perfectly.
The xda version has an error in trying to enter the shell 2x which messes a few up.

heres the link to the youtube vid. (use the notes on the side instead of watching the video)


make sure you restart both your computer and Hero if you're having problems then start with the vid.

also make sure the recovery image is copied and pasted in the sdk tools folder and outside of the folder where you'll see TOOLS, ADD-ONS, and PLATFORMS.

hope I helped out someone.

now here's the full thing including flashing the ROM


credits to flipz for modifying and making it easier to find.

Good Luck

Last edited by lilbitz_1018; 11-24-2009 at 12:22 AM.
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  PPCGeeks > Android > Android HTC Devices > Legacy HTC Android Devices > HTC Hero

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