Re: Do you have problems with the GPS on your phone?
i can tell you that the mogul had one amazing piece of GPS equipment built into it. I am quite surprised to hear you got locks in your house though, as a roof is the imminent end for the GPS signal. i would assume that the coordinates were slightly off while you were inside.
as far as the hero goes, you should be able to GPS in your vehicle no problems. unless you are driving a delorean or a tank, you shouldnt experience issues. gps is tricky business, let the guys figure out the glitches in the software. android is still relatively new, and so is the hero. |
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Mines fine indoors and n a car.
On On U of K!!!! Sammy GS4 - ATT - Clean Rom - Xposed Mod
Re: Do you have problems with the GPS on your phone?
I just took an 8 hour road trip through some pretty desolate areas as well and neer lost GPS location. I used google maps the whole way with no real problems.