How to swap SD cards w/ Apps2SD
All props go to Jonnythan (xda) who gave the steps in another post. Mods may want to sticky this....
1. As always: Nandroid backup
2. reboot phone
3. adb shell into the phone
4. mkdir /sdcard/backup/
mkdir /sdcard/backup/app
mkdir /sdcard/backup/app-private
cp -r /data/app/* /sdcard/backup/app/
cp -r /data/app-private/* /sdcard/backup/app-private/
5. copy sd card to pc
6. remove old sdcard and insert new sdcard
7. partition new sdcard (fat32, ext2, swap)
8. Enable usb mode, copy data from old sdcard to newly partitioned sdcard
9. reboot and ignore force closings
10. rm -r /data/app/*
rm -r /data/app-private/*
[chances are those directories are empty already, but you never know]
cp -r /sdcard/backup/app/* /data/app/
cp -r /sdcard/backup/app-private/* /data/app-private
11. Restore most recent nandroid
12. reboot and enjoy
its esoteric...
Freshhhh.. 1.0
Clear as a Bell theme