Re: Multiple Postal Addresses in HTC "People" app
I'm able to add multiples using google contacts.
Hitting add a 2nd time and postal address, allows me to add 2 and even more. What are you trying? And with what type of contact? |
Re: Multiple Postal Addresses in HTC "People" app
Fooling around, I've noticed as well that I can add multiple to Google Contacts but not to 'Phone' contacts. I know using Google Contacts would be a fix but shouldn't I be able to do the same with Phone contacts? I haven't felt like organizing my Google contacts and have been happy using the contacts on my phone, until this issue leaves me without an address I need.
Re: Multiple Postal Addresses in HTC "People" app
I actually think Google is the better option, since if(when?) you hard-reset the phone, they just come back.
Re: Multiple Postal Addresses in HTC "People" app
I'll get around to doing it, just want to add an address now, away from a computer. I put it in "Notes" to keep it but I can't navigate to it using Sprint Nav or Google Maps. Seems like it shouldn't be an issue, yet it is. |
Re: Multiple Postal Addresses in HTC "People" app
I guess I'm spoiled as all my contacts were on an Exchange Server, so I exported them all from Outlook, and imported them to Google.
I've not used the "phone" contacts. Good luck! (I do like the Google integration, and it even keeps track of the "favorites" from the people app, so it's a win ). |