Re: apps to SD
I'd be interested in this as well. What are the benefits of using apps to sd? Obviously it frees up space on your phone but does that make your device faster? Also what are the cons? When I looked at the app in the market place it had a warning that it may shorten the life of your sd card how much of a concern is this?
Re: apps to SD
I guess it's supposed to be automatic. Just partition your card in the recovery menu. I didn't think it was working ether, so after I installed my apps I hard reset and they came back ( I wouldn't recommend doing this)
This post helped I followed what that guy said and I guess it's working. But sometimes I wonder. Look up terminal emulator in the market, a lot of us didn't know these terms until Saturday. |
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Re: apps to SD
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 1.5; en-us; A6277 Build/CUPCAKE) AppleWebKit/528.5+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.2 Mobile Safari/525.20.1)
On modaco: Back up as card. Boot into recovery. Partition sd: fat 32, Ext2, swap. Boot up put files back on as card. Look in settings>sd&phone storage at bottom is a number should b in or near 70s. Look in my Sig at the tips thread its in there too.
On On U of K!!!! Sammy GS4 - ATT - Clean Rom - Xposed Mod
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Re: apps to SD
Basically, the process is: Root the phone [while doing this, also do a 'rm /data/btips/core*' to delete any core dump files from BT crashes]. Install the recovery partition. Nandroid backup of entire phone. Copy all files off SD card (this includes the nandroid backup). Partition SD card (fat32 + ext2 + swap). Copy files back to SD card. Apply MoDaCo ROM. Reboot. Reboot again. Turn on USB Debugging Mode in Settings -> Applications -> Developer [for SU permission access for apps] Enjoy. Your apps are now on the SD card. |
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Re: apps to SD
when I run "Part SD:fat32+ext2+swap" i get "Partitioning : . Error : run sdtools.sh via console!" I did a google search for sdtools.sh but just landed up getting some threads where people were having the same problem but no one seemed to answer their question on what was wrong |
Re: apps to SD
Is there a limit to the size of the card you can use? because I was trying it with an 8GB card and I kept getting the error above, but I just tried doing it with the 2GB card it came with and now it works. But 2GB isn't a lot of storage for all my media.
Re: apps to SD
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Re: apps to SD
:::::Thread Jack::::: Just congratulating thacounty on his Vipness As you were. |
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