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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2009, 03:19 PM
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1X and calls going to voicemail

I am one of the fortunate people who still live in a city with blazing 1x data services. I have noticed that most of my calls go directly to voicemail. After talking with tech. support, they managed to create another problem where my account was locked out for a couple of hours. During this process I was asked to disable data services on my phone. Ever since I disabled data services my phone obviously has not made a #777 data call and I have not had one call go directly to voicemail.

Has anybody else had issues with calls going to voicemail on 1X or even EVDO? If so is there a way to set priority?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2009, 04:44 PM
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Re: 1X and calls going to voicemail

I thought it was the other way around. My new Hero (2 days old) didn't receive any messages last night (my wife's Diamond went crazy and sent about 50 messages to me from her Drafts thx to PIMBackup). After a soft reset this morning messaging started working again. However, I tested with sending a bunch of messages from Google Voice to my phone and I got only about 70% of them. After toggling the 1x/Hybrid features, the missing messages (only from today) came through. I'm still not convinced though and I'm sure I'll still have some issues. According to this thread at androidforums.com,
Note from HTC: We are investigating an additional issue that may cause devices to intermittantly receive an SMS but not display the message to the user. This issue is distinguished from the above in that it is resolved by a soft or hard reset. No exchange is neccesary for the intermittant unable to receive SMS issue, we will post an additional KI when a solution is available.
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