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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 02:00 PM
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Exclamation Will they finally admit it??

Okay so I have a palm pre and a thread/poll asking which OS interests my fellow peers the most(link in signature) and of course this site is ppcgeeks so windows is winning. I'm basically trying to prove that most current windows users are simply blindly supporting microsoft and aren't willing to admit windows shortcomings.. Everyone swears the touch pro2 is such an amazing device, yet if it is...why are they waiting on an unlocker to flash custom roms?? See what I'm trying to say is windows needs to be tweaked all the time because its too slow and unstable.. Its always a battle of adding and subtracting files just to get it(windows) to run in an acceptable manner.while those of us that have moved on to the pre's,hero's and even iphones have complete satisfaction(as far as performance) right out the box. I also find it funny that the #1 argument windows users make is that its the most customisable OS, yet when you look at the thread titles..a majority of the themes or shells they add are to make their phones look like a hero(hello spb and sensuite) or someone is asking whether or not android or webOS can run on their phones.. Doesn't this mean you're interested in another OS outside of windows?? I'm trying to prove this to everyone and I need help. Please direct others to this thread and vote in my OS poll by clicking the link in my signature. Help me show that its not all about windows anymore. I'm headed to the android and very small iphone forum as well. If anyone agrees with me I would really appreciate ur show of support by hitting the thanks button..
If I help don't forget to hit thanks..
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 03:01 PM
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Re: Will they finally admit it??

Originally Posted by smoove21 View Post
Okay so I have a palm pre and a thread/poll asking which OS interests my fellow peers the most(link in signature) and of course this site is ppcgeeks so windows is winning. I'm basically trying to prove that most current windows users are simply blindly supporting microsoft and aren't willing to admit windows shortcomings.. Everyone swears the touch pro2 is such an amazing device, yet if it is...why are they waiting on an unlocker to flash custom roms?? See what I'm trying to say is windows needs to be tweaked all the time because its too slow and unstable.. Its always a battle of adding and subtracting files just to get it(windows) to run in an acceptable manner.while those of us that have moved on to the pre's,hero's and even iphones have complete satisfaction(as far as performance) right out the box. I also find it funny that the #1 argument windows users make is that its the most customisable OS, yet when you look at the thread titles..a majority of the themes or shells they add are to make their phones look like a hero(hello spb and sensuite) or someone is asking whether or not android or webOS can run on their phones.. Doesn't this mean you're interested in another OS outside of windows?? I'm trying to prove this to everyone and I need help. Please direct others to this thread and vote in my OS poll by clicking the link in my signature. Help me show that its not all about windows anymore. I'm headed to the android and very small iphone forum as well. If anyone agrees with me I would really appreciate ur show of support by hitting the thanks button..

To me, WM phones are like the old Volkswagen Beetle. They don't run correctly most of the time and it always seems you're looking for a part or addition that will improve the performance. You can modify them to look like a number of different things. They usually don't represent the cutting edge of technology... the list goes on. But, the owners are fiercely loyal and will defend the superiority of their device (or car) over the heartless modern marvels that they compete with.

I say this because I used to be one of those guys (WM and VW Bug owner) and I thought they we the best. So what if one of my modifications/improvements caused a huge problem that made me stay up all night trying to fix it? One day I had enough and sold the Bug to get a more reliable car. Sometimes I miss it but not that often. I did the right thing.

Recently I bought a Sprint Hero even though I had a perfectly good Diamond. I love the Diamond but I saw that the Hero did just about everything that I was trying to get the Diamond to do and it was doing it right out of the box! I was spending countless hours scouring threads for apps, trying registry edits, making cabs and cooking ROMs to find the "perfect setup" for my Diamond. All of that was fun but I wasn't really getting anywhere and my wife was close to throwing my phone (and me) out the window!

There's a few things in Android that I haven't figured out yet but I'm finding out that I don't need to customize much. There's some room for improvement but I think that for as young as this OS is, it's pretty damned well put together.

So, I love my Hero. I find myself actually using it more than screwing around with it. Nothing against WM, I will always have a soft spot for it... just like I do for VW Beetles.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 03:17 PM
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Re: Will they finally admit it??

Does anyone actually understand that no matter what the device is, there will always be shortcomings, tweaks, and the human nature to improve on everything? WM has shortcomings, WebOS has shortcomings, Android has shortcomings. Even iPhoners are jailbreaking iPhones. I havent seen a OS that is complete from A-Z.

I might be the only one (highly doubt it) that looks forward to tweaking and hacking and rooting a device. Its boring having the same phone with the same features and same programs. Thats one of the reasons i work for Sprint, being able to see and play with every new device out there. To me, modding a device is fun and interesting. I like being able to say "Hey, I improved something the manufacturer didnt, and made the device my own."

"I pity tha fool... that don't press !"

Last edited by nxtech3; 10-24-2009 at 03:21 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 03:48 PM
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Re: Will they finally admit it??

Well, I am a proud HTC Hero owner, but I just came from the HTC Diamond and a lot of my friends have the iPhone and some have Blackberry's.

I think that it is a 'to each his own' type of deal when your talking electronics in general. Windows Mobile and Blackberry OS's are great for business orientated consumers that use a lot of push mail. Windows Mobile is very customizable, and you actually said it for them. Windows Mobile users can make their OS look however they want! They can make it look more like an iPhone or more like TouchFlo3D and even I guess the Hero's Sense UI. That is customizing I could live with (and did). The OS on my Diamond was occasionally laggy and slow which is why I switched to the Hero. I still experience some lag and slowness with the Hero as well.

I iPhone is semi-customizable, but not to the degree that Android seems to be. Widgets are sweet and multi-taking makes the Android OS a handsdown winner (for me). The iPhone is a gadget device, while extremely powerful in some aspects, lacks open-source and a good carrier. (I am not a fan of AT&T in my area, bad reception for most ppl and seems like iPhone users drop too many calls).

Blackberry is good for ppl that don't want a toy phone but for business. It lacks a lot of fun tools but does a great job at what it does.

I guess the point to my writing this is each device, each OS, each carrier has something unique to bring to the table and it truly depends on what YOU want and desire. Not to mention you are on a PPC forum and these people do like WM for a reason, if you want backing, head on over to a strictly Android forum and I'm sure everyone will agree with you there

While you say that WM devices need tweaked... the only reason I tweaked my diamond (or even found out about all this ROM stuff, even this forum) was because I had terrible battery life.... the Hero is suffering from a similar fate currently for some users. Other than that the OS was sufficient for a year or so ago and I was happy with the device.

... Nevermore....
The End
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 03:50 PM
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Re: Will they finally admit it??

Originally Posted by nxtech3 View Post
Does anyone actually understand that no matter what the device is, there will always be shortcomings, tweaks, and the human nature to improve on everything? WM has shortcomings, WebOS has shortcomings, Android has shortcomings. Even iPhoners are jailbreaking iPhones. I havent seen a OS that is complete from A-Z.

I might be the only one (highly doubt it) that looks forward to tweaking and hacking and rooting a device. Its boring having the same phone with the same features and same programs. Thats one of the reasons i work for Sprint, being able to see and play with every new device out there. To me, modding a device is fun and interesting. I like being able to say "Hey, I improved something the manufacturer didnt, and made the device my own."

The only one?! No way. I can't wait til they root the Hero
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 03:54 PM
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Re: Will they finally admit it??

I have had 3 or 4 WinMo devices, and I loved them. I came to Hero because I jsut wanted something different! NXTech3 had it right, every phone needs modding if you are into it. If not, then dont worry about it. Again, this thread belongs inb a different discussion forum I think. Good topic though.
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