Re: How does it compair to the TP2?
If you're coming from a TP to a TP2 (for now) you won't be disappointed. While the TP2 is the successor, it is infinitely better than the original TP. As far as the Hero goes, I can't say. I have only played with one for a few minutes in the store and haven't formed much of an opinion from my limited experience.
Re: How does it compair to the TP2?
it doesn't have a hardware keyboard, but the onscreen keyboard is as good as it gets as far as an onscreen keyboard goes. Other than that android is amazing, I just wish this phone was rooted so I could install that wifi tethering app.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 8.12; MSIEMobile6.0) Sprint T7380)
i have both, and im now replying to this post via the tp2. i wouldnt dream of doing the same on the hero. that being said, if one has an affinity for hardware keyboards (which may explain why one has a tp in the first place), then the tp2 is definitely the way to go. what convinced me to upgrade from the tp was mainly the screen size. that and the 'better' keyboard and speakerphone. the hero is a nice device; and android...all gimmicks aside, definitely has much potential. but the fact that i can throw an .avi file or a .whatever file at one device and have it handle the task without a single hitch, while the other device has no foreseeable support for the same function...in my opinon, is a clear indication that one device is superior to the other in this regard (can we at least get vlc or mplayer support on android please? how long will it take to implement a linux based media player into a linux based 'mobile' OS?). plus, theres no 'real efficient' flash enabled brower like skyfire yet on the android platform, nor any 'real' voice guided navigation app such as tomtom,igo,garmin etc...which is, i reiterate, bountiful on WinMo. Am i the only one who thinks Android still has a lot of 'growing' up to do? But, as i said...i guess it all boils down to user preference. And thats why im giving the hero to my meathead hubby, and keeping the tp2 for myself. lol. |
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Re: How does it compair to the TP2?
I myself have been a WinMo user for years and didn't think I would ever switch to a difference OS. However, this phone in a sense is far superior to any windows mobile device that I have used over the years and trust me I have gone through a lot of phones, i changed phones like i change underwear (no pun intended). For one, winmo users a lot of the time, if not all the time complain about battery life on winmo. As much as I use the phone any winmo device I had last me roughly 4-5 hours before I needed to charge it (that really sucked), but I really enjoyed winmo...so I just dealt with it. On this phone I'm able to peform the same funtions and the battery life last me 9+ hours with no need to charge it. I know Sumo mentioned that this phone doesn't have a real efficient flash enabled browser, but if you really think about it....how efficient is Skyfire? Actually, find me one browser on winmo that does everything that the Hero's browser does in one. For flash you would need skyfire, if you wanted something simpler you might have to use, IE or Opera Mini or if you want somewhat of a full browsing experience that runs somewhat smooth you would go with Opera Mobile (no flash though). Sprint navigation on this phone works great. No need for Garmin or Tom Tom when you get a free app that does all the functions those can do. I could go and on... not trying to bash winmo. I still have my winmo phone at home in case I didn't like this device...from the looks of it though I wont be going back to winmo anytime soon. I have been really impressed with the android OS.
Re: How does it compair to the TP2?
i just jumped from the titan to the TP2 and got a hero for my wife. i am playing with both of them. i like both of them. i dont find that the hero is more functional or stable. it is mostly just different. i havent had any major problems with either. i've only had some minor problems with opera mobile crashing on the TP2 and yahoo mail syncing on the hero. there are some cool features on the hero but i havent come across anything where i thought "i wish my TP2 could do that."
i like the TP2 a little bit more. i dont know if i like it $170 more, but the bigger screen is nice and while i do most of my typing with the onscreen keyboard it is nice to have a hardware KB as good as the TP2. also, it doesnt hurt that i am pretty familiar with tweaking winmo to get it do what i want. while the biggest difference between the devices for many seems to be the software, the decision for me came down to the hardware. |