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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2010, 01:14 PM
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Is it still worth it to get a Hero now?

I'm on the Sprint SERO plan and have been using a Motorola Q9c for over 2 years. I picked up a HTC TP2 (which for the time being is the best phone you can use for SERO) but after using it for a few months, decided it wasn't for me and sold it.

Sprint recently announced that they're going to lift the phone restrictions for SERO customers in October so now I'm looking at possible upgrades/replacements.

I went to the Sprint store to check out the Hero, EVO, etc. and while the EVO is nice, I don't want to pay an extra $10 for a 4g phone, especially since 4g isn't even available in my area yet. The same would apply to the Samsung Epic coming out soon. So that leaves me with limited choices and I checked out the HTC Hero. I didn't get to play with it too much inside the store but I liked the size and feel of it.

Do you guys think it's still worth getting a HERO now considering how long it's been out? What's a good price to pay for a used one?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2010, 04:13 PM
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Re: Is it still worth it to get a Hero now?

I just went from my 4th TP2 windoz phone since April this year to a fully updated Hero. Yes..I think it is worth it if this is the only one you like.If the only cost is the extra $10 that is stopping you from going whole hog to one of the top tier phones..even if you don't have access to the 4g network yet..It's a bit having to pay for it when you don't use it..but you can also check and see when you will be able to use it.I would find a way to spend the money or get an additional discount and then get the Galaxy (Epic by Sprint) when it is available if you. You should at least go sign up for it now...if you want to stay with a physical keyboard,and besides you can always change you mind later if you don't want it.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2010, 08:52 PM
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Re: Is it still worth it to get a Hero now?

I think if phones like the Evo and Epic are kind of out of your price range, then the Hero would be a good choice. I have seen you are looking at Diamonds and such, and this is a much better choice. I saw you browse the web a bit form other posts and this is/was a great phone for internet browsing (at least it was for me). I would say anywhere from $125-175, but I could be off a little, all depends on condition and all that.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2010, 10:54 PM
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Re: Is it still worth it to get a Hero now?

Thanks for the responses. It's not that the Evo and Epic are out of my price range...I don't mind paying the extra $10 monthly for the 4g phones if it meant I actually got 4g service.

By going to an android phone on the SERO plan, I already have to pay an additional $10 per month - can't justify paying another $10 on top of that for essentially the same service.

I probably web surf more on my phone than make actual calls so internet speed is important to me. lol While my old Motorola q9c was really outdated, the internet was amazingly fast compared to my recent TP2. Yeah I've been checking out Diamonds too but if the internet is anything like the TP2, then I won't bother. I just figured the Hero would be different being that it's an android device rather than a wm.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 10:20 AM
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Re: Is it still worth it to get a Hero now?

Originally Posted by PhatboyNYC View Post
Thanks for the responses. It's not that the Evo and Epic are out of my price range...I don't mind paying the extra $10 monthly for the 4g phones if it meant I actually got 4g service.

By going to an android phone on the SERO plan, I already have to pay an additional $10 per month - can't justify paying another $10 on top of that for essentially the same service.

I probably web surf more on my phone than make actual calls so internet speed is important to me. lol While my old Motorola q9c was really outdated, the internet was amazingly fast compared to my recent TP2. Yeah I've been checking out Diamonds too but if the internet is anything like the TP2, then I won't bother. I just figured the Hero would be different being that it's an android device rather than a wm.
I really disliked surfing with my TP2's. they all seemed to lag no matter where I was at with them. I can say the Hero I have now doesn't seem to do this and works very well..in the same locations I used the TP2's..Also the battery life is much better so far.The Evo from my comparisons of them work even better ( except for battery life) and I am guessing here..but would imagine the Epic will probably do as well. If I had to choose between the Epic and Evo..I would go for the Epic with the better screen and processor to tell ya the truth,but the weight and size of both of them is almost at a point of not wanting to get either one of them for me.but I text more than surf the web with mine and I have absolutely no need to down load movies to mine like some folks I know do with the Evo..

The new Hero is a nice phone and will do most people well..and the keyboard is getting easier to use with practice for me. It is a hard choice..I know,but the reliability for me along with the all the features,and ease of downloading all the different apps made it a no brainer for my choice. The Android is certainly different than Windows..and has a lot of development going on with it,so to me unless Microsoft makes some really worth while changes (which isn't likely) Android will be the standard to choose from for quite a while. Good Luck on yours.


Last edited by Mac11700; 08-15-2010 at 10:30 AM. Reason: typos
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 02:36 PM
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Re: Is it still worth it to get a Hero now?

since a froyo rom is almost finished for the hero, id say yes buy it.

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 03:41 PM
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Re: Is it still worth it to get a Hero now?

Originally Posted by Mac11700 View Post
The new Hero is a nice phone and will do most people well..and the keyboard is getting easier to use with practice for me. It is a hard choice..I know,but the reliability for me along with the all the features,and ease of downloading all the different apps made it a no brainer for my choice. The Android is certainly different than Windows..and has a lot of development going on with it,so to me unless Microsoft makes some really worth while changes (which isn't likely) Android will be the standard to choose from for quite a while. Good Luck on yours.

When you say the "new" Hero, is there a newer version out or something? I've been browsing craigslist, ebay and this site for Heros and noticed some of them are listed as the Hero 200.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 04:46 PM
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Re: Is it still worth it to get a Hero now?

Originally Posted by PhatboyNYC View Post
When you say the "new" Hero, is there a newer version out or something? I've been browsing craigslist, ebay and this site for Heros and noticed some of them are listed as the Hero 200.
While it is still a 200..the new 2.1updated software makes it seem like a totally different phone. We took my wifes Hero into the Sprint store dropped it off and had them update it yesterday while we did some shopping.Took them about 45 minutes saving all the contacts for us on the phone. To her it is hands down 10x better than before. The ring lag (which is still there) seems much less and the typing is way better for her to text message with as well. She also likes having all of her screens condensed on the home screen so she can get to her apps faster. Comparing them to both my sons Hero's standing side by side with the same signal to the router ours will connect to the web faster than theirs and can surf faster as well. So the software has to be tweaked in someway IMHO to allow this. If you buy one off Craig's list then take it in and let the store update it,unless you plan on rooting it and using a different rom. I plan on rooting it sooner or later..but I'm having fun with it as it is for right now.

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 05:18 PM
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Re: Is it still worth it to get a Hero now?

So is the 200 the newer model with the 2.1 software? If I planned to root and use a custom rom, the version of the physical phone wouldn't matter right?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 09:46 PM
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Re: Is it still worth it to get a Hero now?

Originally Posted by fixxxer2008 View Post
since a froyo rom is almost finished for the hero, id say yes buy it.
almost finished he says, I just flashed to this badboy earlier this afternoon.
Froyo your heart out: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=731659
So far no big problems and I love the customization!
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