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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 12:23 AM
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Real Time SMS/MMS

I'm wondering if I did see this correctly about a month ago or so. That the stock SMS/MMS would time stamp your messages even when your phone is off? I work in the evening and I turn my phone off also cause I can't have it on me and also cause I don't get reception in this locker my phone is in. But when I was stock, pre 2.1 or not, can't remember how long ago, but when I did turn my phone on it had real time stamp sms, meaning if someone sent me a txt at 2:30pm it would reflect that instead of when I turn my phone back on time like 11:30pm. Does this really work on stock or am I crazy??? I'm currently using Aloysius 2.1.2 with Handcent and Sense and it doesnt do this, it time stamps when I turn my phone on.
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  PPCGeeks > Android > Android HTC Devices > Legacy HTC Android Devices > HTC Hero

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