Re: Sprint Hero owners - I need help!
Data profile:
Active profile: 1 Username: *myname*@sprintpcs.com spi mn-ha:402 spi mn-aaa:402 reverse tunnel preferred:enable home ip: primary home agent: second home agent: dsa server url:https://dsa.spcsdns.net:443/dsa EVDO: ddtm:disable preferred mode:automatic Advanced: ESN:*********** meid(hex):************ p_rev:is-2000 (6) scm:58 slot mode:enable slot cycle index:2 MCC(mobile country code):310 msid:618******* ACCOLC:2 vocoder:enable home orig:evrc roam orig:voice 13k home sys registration:enable foreign sid registration:enable foreign nid registration:enable mn ha spi set:enable mn aaa spi set:enable home sid/nid #1:4139/65535 mms server url:http://mms.sprintpcs.com rtsp proxy port: (blank) rtsp proxy addressblank)
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Re: Sprint Hero owners - I need help!
Re: Sprint Hero owners - I need help!
Keep getting PCS Username or password may be incorrect error. I'm 99% sure I have them both correct so I was wondering if I had some other detail wrong.
Re: Sprint Hero owners - I need help!
Check running apps and see if DM Services are running. Close and then update network and PRL.