I installed email.apk on Fresh and it operates the same as IC3 now. I cannot use the Sense email client with my exchange server, it won't accept the certificate.
I can only gather the default email client used in these ROMs doesn't permanently accept the certificate. The mail client in IC3 gives me an option to accept the certificates and I'm never asked to accept the security settings. I guess I need to figure out what client IC3 uses or maybe look into a different email client... any suggestions aside from Exchange by Touchdown which is 19.99?
It's 19.99 now? Wow.. When I paid for it I got it for 9.99
Device History - Motorola Q, Treo 700p, HTC Touch, HTC Touch Pro, HTC Hero, HTC Evo 4G
Ive tried Fresh2.0d, Aloysious 2.05b, DamageControl2.07.2 and FreshDamagedCake1.7... all have the same exchange problem.
With stock 1.5 when I setup my exchage account it would prompt me with this message, "Your exchange server requires that you enable security to continue synchronizing", I would hit OK and the message would never appear again.
With all of the 2.1 ROMs this message appears every 30 minutes. It works, my exchange will sync, but every 30 minutes I need to accept the security settings and it is quite annoying.
Does anyone have this problem? Or have any suggestions on how to fix it?
Why not sync exchange to your gmail that way you wont have any issues