Same Question, New ROM
I just installed Fresh 2.0d, looking AMAZING! Props to Fresh for the excellent work. Now, coming from Fresh 1.1, there was one thing I changed when I flashed over:
I don't like the flat bottom bar (Where you have Phone, Apps Curtain, Widget Add), I much prefer the stock rounded one with the little bar that shows which home screen your looking at. I managed to (with Kbussen and a few others help) use the pre-kitchen (thanks again Fresh) to flash over a new theme.
From what I have read the pre-kitchen doesn't support 2.1 ROMS (and trying it for grins produced a device not found so I am assuming this to be true). That said, any way to get my sexy little bottom bar back to stock on Fresh 2.0d?
PPC-6600->Palm Treo 650->PPC-6700->Touch Pro->HTC Hero.