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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-2010, 04:18 PM
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Talking Fresh 2.0d Loaded and Working

Well I went ahead and flashed my Hero to Fresh's 2.0d this week end and I have to say it truly made my phone worth hanging on to. Here is what I have noticed so far:

Blue Tooth File Transfers!! - I never understood why a phone that costs this much was unable to do this.. I mean com on, my daughters Instinct s30 was able to right out of the box..

Less Laggy - I put my newly flashed phone next to my wife's Hero and there was a noticeable difference in apps coming open and touch response. There were times before the flash that I missed phone calls because the lock scree wouldn't work fast enough after I pulled it from my pocket.

Apps Reinstall - I did see in the "My Downloads" section of market all the programs that I had on the phone, however I did not install all of them before closing out of the market. Now they are not listed anymore. No problem I didn't want most of them anyway. All data that I had (pics, ringtones, and such) were still there. I guess the reset and ext wipe are in a different place on the SC card.

Wireless Tethering - It just works.. I hadn't tried it till Sunday and my daughter wanted to scoot around the internet so she started the program and - poof - it worked.

Battery Life - I noticed a great improvement in battery life when it is not searching for service. I think on Saturday the battery lasted for over 12 hours with me fiddling with it most of the day. Take that for what it's worth.

Over all impression - Fresh rocks! He has defiantly made the wait for 2.1 easer to deal with. Not that I am going to flash to stock until I see it has been rooted For those that haven't downloaded it yet, I highly recommend it!

Oh one last thing - If you are like me and thought that you had to do a factory restore and ext partition wipe THEN copy the flash file to the phone.. DON'T if you restart your phone after the factory restore and before the flash you will have to re wipe and flash before it will work. Also when it comes up the first time it WILL take a while.. relax this is normal, go drink some tea and have a sandwich it will be ready by the time your finished with it.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-2010, 05:04 PM
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Re: Fresh 2.0d Loaded and Working

Thanks for taking the time to share your success story with your Hero update. When you break it down like that it makes it easier for new Hero owners to see why we all talk so much about flashing a new rom or rooting our devices.

And yeah, the Fresh 2.0d ROM is damn good. I have seen an amazing difference in overall speed and battery performance, along with other very cool features.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-2010, 08:22 PM
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Re: Fresh 2.0d Loaded and Working

I had the same success over the weekend. This rom is definitely off the hook. I just got my Hero on Friday and wasn't all that impressed coming from WM till I learned how to root the phone and after putting Fresh Rom on there I saw this phone is definitely worth keeping with all the new features on it now. Still not as fast as my wifes Nexus One obviously because of the Snapdragon processor but this phone is definitely awesome still. By the way just my experience I, I tried Damage Rom 2.07 yesterday and while its a great rom I can't help but like Fresh 2.0d Rom better still.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-2010, 09:29 PM
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Re: Fresh 2.0d Loaded and Working

I haven't noticed a difference in speed... except for the keyboard. It seems to operate a bit slower (or is less responsive) than the stock rom. It also feels less accurate.

Battery life is about the same.

Pinch to zoom in the browser also doesn't seem as smooth as it was on the stock rom. When I attempt to use the pinch to zoom function, it'll zoom, but then snap back to the original size. It takes about three tries to get it to actually stick. I'm not sure if this is due to the base being an unfinished leak, something that was tweaked, or if this is just how the browser will work in 2.1. Guess we'll have to wait for the sprint release to find out.

Other than that, no serious problems. From my experience, if you use your keyboard and the stock browser a lot, and your phone seems to do the job as is, I wouldn't recommend upgrading. But it's cool for anyone who wants to see what we can look forward to when the 2.1 update comes around.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-2010, 09:39 PM
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Re: Fresh 2.0d Loaded and Working

Originally Posted by fuuup View Post
I haven't noticed a difference in speed... except for the keyboard. It seems to operate a bit slower (or is less responsive) than the stock rom. It also feels less accurate.

Battery life is about the same.

Pinch to zoom in the browser also doesn't seem as smooth as it was on the stock rom. When I attempt to use the pinch to zoom function, it'll zoom, but then snap back to the original size. It takes about three tries to get it to actually stick. I'm not sure if this is due to the base being an unfinished leak, something that was tweaked, or if this is just how the browser will work in 2.1. Guess we'll have to wait for the sprint release to find out.

Other than that, no serious problems. From my experience, if you use your keyboard and the stock browser a lot, and your phone seems to do the job as is, I wouldn't recommend upgrading. But it's cool for anyone who wants to see what we can look forward to when the 2.1 update comes around.
Yeah that was my only gripe with it too, it seems like the touchscreen was miscalibrated and/or the sensitivity was lowered.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2010, 12:58 AM
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Re: Fresh 2.0d Loaded and Working

As for the apps, I have app monster from the market and backed up all my apps to my sdcard before I wiped. Then, I just reinstalled when I got to fresh 2.0d. Only gripe for that is that it doesn't save your settings on each app. So, I had to redo all that.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2010, 03:07 AM
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Re: Fresh 2.0d Loaded and Working

Originally Posted by gmoney91 View Post
As for the apps, I have app monster from the market and backed up all my apps to my sdcard before I wiped. Then, I just reinstalled when I got to fresh 2.0d. Only gripe for that is that it doesn't save your settings on each app. So, I had to redo all that.
awesome I'm going to look that up when I flash to 2.0d (2.0b here) one of these days. I didn't want to have to look everything back up in the market
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Old 04-13-2010, 03:54 AM
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Re: Fresh 2.0d Loaded and Working

Just wondering if you tried recalibrating the keyboard?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2010, 05:25 AM
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Re: Fresh 2.0d Loaded and Working

To those having issues with the keyboard, it is an experimental keyboard by xda-developers (check the settings under text input and you'll see about 40 more options than android gives you). The lag has been noted.

However in the release notes I have a link for an update.zip that will take you back to the stock keyboard. So if you don't need any of the options that come along with that keyboard then just grab that zip and flash back to stock.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2010, 08:19 AM
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Re: Fresh 2.0d Loaded and Working

I've pretty much tried out all of the 2.1 ROMs that are currently out for our phone, and the two I keep going back to are Fresssh, and Damageless. I am currently on Damagecontrol 2.07, and I must say, your observations on the improvements are extremely accurate.

Battery - It's a night and day difference, i took my phone off the charger yesterday at 5am, stuck it back on about 5 minutes ago (14 hours), and it still had half a charge left on it! This is only with light to moderate usage though, with Live Wallpapers running the entire time, and all Syncs going to! Heavy testing will happen today, and I'll report back..

Lag - The only downside is the keyboard, it seems it has a tad bit more lag, coming from Damageless 1.0. This might be due to things like LWP running in the background and such. I haven't really took the time to play with the settings in Autokiller yet either, so we will see what we can come up with.

Wireless Tethering - I don't really have a use for this, but every time I tried it, out of curiosity, it worked flawlessly.

Apps Reinstall - My only problem here is, no matter what ROM I am on, the 'Downloads' section of the market, doesn't list all of my previously installed applications, regardless of whether I've purchased them or not. Now, they CAN all be found, on the Market, but for whatever reason, it doesn't list them in the downloads section.

Bluetooth File Transfer - I'm glad this is working now, I can't understand why we didn't have it running in the first place, but then again, Android is still kinda new to me. I'm sure it has it's reasons.

Fresh 2.0d - The ONLY thing I couldn't get to work properly on this Rom, was LWP. For whatever reason, when I was using Android Home instead of Sense, it would always revert to stock wallpaper. AND there would be about a 5 second lag, from the time the phone was 'waking up', to the time you actually saw your home screen. During that time, all you could see, would be a black screen, and your notfications bar. During this time, the phone would be unresponsive. EDIT: Fresh JUST released an update.zip that fixes the OpenGL issue we have with our LWP. Gonna flash now, and report back!

From what I understand, my results, on Fresh 2.0d ARE NOT typical. I have searched and searched , and haven't found/heard of anyone else having the same problem. So please, take that observation, with a grain of salt. Everything I have ever tried that Fresh has developed, has been nothing short of awesome.

Damageless 2.07 - The only bug I have come across, using this ROM, is it doesn't show al of your calendars. You CAN select them, in the list of calendars to show, BUT, using Pure Calendar Wdiget, for whatever reason, it doesn't show all of your calendars.

And for those of you, reading this thread, that are still on the fence, when it comes to flashing a 2.1 Rom, rooting , or anything talked about above, my advice to you is - TAKE THE LEAP, trust me, you will fall in love with your phone, all over again!

Hope this helps!
Sprint HTC Hero
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Last edited by Harveystyles; 04-13-2010 at 08:38 AM. Reason: accuracy...
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