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Old 03-24-2010, 09:03 PM
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Video playing on 2.1

I have been using a couple of 2.1 roms. Primarily Fresh and DC. I can say this. Watching movies with the 2.1 rom is much better than watching them on 1.5. I used Meridian, Act 1 Trial, and the stock video player. All of them played with no sync issues. I have also been testing the yxflash player. It plays avi's without having to port them over to mp4. I had been using a pmp for my video so I already have a lot of avi's that are formatted for the screen size of the hero. So far the yxflash has played with without any problems. I am not sure if you want to pay the 9.99 price for it. If you are able to convert to mp4 then I wouldn't bother. If you don't want to mess with converting to mp4 and you have avi's that are formatted for smaller screens then you may want to go this route.
Sprint Evo UnRevoked
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