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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2010, 03:06 PM
elefntkpr's Avatar
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Market "My Downloads"

I've come across some issues with the Market. I found similar complaints on Googles Android site but no resolutions.

I installed yet another ROM since I'm a dork and reinstalled all my apps from my downloads before they disappeared...all well there. Then I decided to try a different ROM so I backed up image and flashed away. Didn't much care for the new ROM so I restored image file. Then I noticed in the Market that under "My Downloads" only my purchased apps were there. I searched for an installed app that wasn't showing and it showed as installed. I uninstalled it then reinstalled the app. Then under "My Downloads" nearly all the downloaded free apps had returned as if the database list had been repopulated. (That was interesting to find out)

There were 5 or so apps that didn't show up however. When I searched for those to reinstall they no longer showed up in the market. I manually uninstalled the app then searched but it still was missing. I have the apps backed up so it's not an issue there, I just won't know if there are updates now. Anyone else ran into this? I figure if I wipe the phone and start over it would likely fix the issue, but I'm a bit tired of reinstalling 40 or so apps at the moment. heh

HTC EVO | Rooted | Myn's Warm TwoPointTwo [RLS4] | HTC STK #17 |RA EVO 1.8.0 | HW v.0003
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2010, 10:12 PM
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Re: Market "My Downloads"

Originally Posted by elefntkpr View Post
I've come across some issues with the Market. I found similar complaints on Googles Android site but no resolutions.
If you install apps from a backup apk it will not show up in the market as installed. Maybe something like this to do with your problem
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