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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 06:07 PM
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Exclamation Can anybody walk me through rooting my sprint htc hero?

I'm trying to root my HTC Hero but im running into many problems. If anyone is able to google talk with me and walk me through it I would appreciate it.

Or if your able to explain why im running into this problem...

When I do the backup on flashrec (enter the recovery.img or whatever) and turn off the phone to go into recovery mode, all i get is a giant yield sign: such as this.... http://www.o-cellphones.com/wp-conte...overy-mode.jpg

if you can explain why im getting this and help me out in getting passed this and continue to root my phone it'd help me out a bunch.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 06:25 PM
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Re: Can anybody walk me through rooting my sprint htc hero?

Originally Posted by tross09 View Post
I'm trying to root my HTC Hero but im running into many problems. If anyone is able to google talk with me and walk me through it I would appreciate it.

Or if your able to explain why im running into this problem...

When I do the backup on flashrec (enter the recovery.img or whatever) and turn off the phone to go into recovery mode, all i get is a giant yield sign: such as this.... http://www.o-cellphones.com/wp-conte...overy-mode.jpg

if you can explain why im getting this and help me out in getting passed this and continue to root my phone it'd help me out a bunch.

This is not the place for this question!! Please post in correct section!

go to http://geekfor.me get the pre-kitchen and use the 1 step rooter for the phone. Its simple.
On On U of K!!!! Sammy GS4 - ATT - Clean Rom - Xposed Mod
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 08:26 PM
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Re: Can anybody walk me through rooting my sprint htc hero?

25 views... I'm a betting man, so I'd be putting my money on 23/25 views to see if the OP gets flamed.
its esoteric...

Freshhhh.. 1.0
Clear as a Bell theme
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 09:24 PM
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Re: Can anybody walk me through rooting my sprint htc hero?

Originally Posted by tross09 View Post
I'm trying to root my HTC Hero but im running into many problems. If anyone is able to google talk with me and walk me through it I would appreciate it.

Or if your able to explain why im running into this problem...

When I do the backup on flashrec (enter the recovery.img or whatever) and turn off the phone to go into recovery mode, all i get is a giant yield sign: such as this.... http://www.o-cellphones.com/wp-conte...overy-mode.jpg

if you can explain why im getting this and help me out in getting passed this and continue to root my phone it'd help me out a bunch.

this is because you updated the PHONE ..you have to go back to original ...
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