Originally Posted by Condor1919
Any truth to what people say about the Hero being glitchy after loading a lot of apps or is that just nitpicking because everything runs slower with a bunch of apps loaded. Also this time a want to get my battery life to last a long as possible so I am looking for tips make it thru a whole day without recharging...
This is gonna depend on your usage. There are alot of tweaks out right now that make the Hero very snappy. If you learn the ways of how this phone works, it is a pleasure. As for battery life, at first, your battery life is gonna suck cause you wont be able to stop messing with it. After you calm down, normal use you should be pretty happy. I can usually make it 20 hours without a charge on moderate use. I came from a diamond and let me tell you, i was charging constantly. Rule of thumb with smart phones, keep chargers everywhere, i have a car charger, one at the office, girlfriends and at home.