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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2010, 06:07 PM
gmoney41685's Avatar
Pocket PC: Hero
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Couple of questions, need help deciding

I'm pretty sure I want a Hero from Sprint, but I have a few questions first. I never really paid much attention to the androids until just recently when I became thoroughly sick of WM, I'm kinda closed minded like that. In the past I has a Titan and then a TP, and my wife has a Pre. I liked WM because it was a familiar platform to a pc as far as I was concerned, and there's a billion people who knew a ton about it. Obviously I have also grown to hate it's many downfalls. I've also flashed the hell out of both of my devices as well as cooked up a bunch of roms just so you know where I'm coming from.

I like the Pre. The OS is very fluent, rarely locks up or slows down, and has the nicest display I've ever seen. I also LOVE the gesture pad, I can't wait to see what it evolves into, even beyond Palm. I would trade my TP in for this phone any day of the week...but I get very bored with it. I think will get better when it reaches the other carriers, but even still.

I've done a bunch of reading elsewhere, but alot that's out there is very stale and outdated. I've read that it's better to wait until Sprint releases devices that are compatible with 2.0, and I've also read that the Hero will be 2.0 compatible. I don't think most of those places were as saavy as here where alot of times anythings possible.

So, should I wait for Sprint to drop another Android device, or is this pretty much the way to go? Switching carriers is not an option, but I don't mind paying more for a better device if need be.

Thanks All!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2010, 07:28 PM
lilbitz_1018's Avatar
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Re: Couple of questions, need help deciding

hi, to me it really is all on opinion. I like to have the mindset of experiencing is the best way. I don't want to say buy a hero then not like it so sell it but its all about experience. we dont have alot of ROMS and customization as far as cosmetics go but with the few current ones we have, I'm loving the hell out of this phone.

I came from the mogul, to the touch pro and a pre and i believe the HERO blows them out of the water. my suggestion is to take a look around the forum here and look at youtube videos and you may love it before you have it.
As far as waiting for 2.0 its up to you if you want to stay with your current phone until about summer (Sprint takes forever to release these updates).

Don't be afraid to ask questions around here but PLEASE do a search before because 95% of questions are already answered somewhere here. or PM me and i'll help as much as i can.

Good luck
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